Cleveland Range OGS-6.10 specifications High efficiency, power burner heating system

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Date __________________________________

Featuring the


￿ OGS-6.10

"Advanced Closed


Seven (7) - 13” by 18” by 1” half size sheet pans or

System +3"


Six (6) - 12” x by 20” by 2 1/2” steam table pans

GAS Fired – Boilerless

Cooking Modes:




Hot Air


"Delta T" slow cooking


"Cook & Hold"

"Crisp & Tasty"






ClevelaAdvancedd Standardclosed systemFeatures: Crisp & Tasty

High efficiency, power burner heating system

Fully insulated cooking compartment for maximum energy savings

Polished cooking compartment with coved corners for easy cleaning

Three (3) 12" x 20" wire shelves

Hinged fan guard and hinged removable pan racks

Two (2) speed auto reversing convectionDisappearingfan forDooreven heat distribution

Space saving, easy to close ""

Door latch with safety vent position and wear-free door switch

Vented, double glass door with integrated door stop and self"" with " " de-moisturizing feature

draining condensate drip pan

Easy to change, press-fit door seal

Oven light with shock resistant safety glass Multipoint core temperature probe

Easy to use electronic controls for all operational functions Self diagnostic system with full text message display

Easy to understand menu icons with bright graphics display User friendlySmartselectorKeydial

Exclusive " " for selecting option settings

Digital controlPressfor&temperature,Go time and core probe settings

Eight (8) " " one step, recipe start buttons

Cook book library for up to 250 stored recipe programs, each recipe capable of 20 steps

RS 232 connection for controlling one unit with a PC (personal computer) Memory module automatically saves unit settings and recipes

Manual program override feature for operational settings Smooth action hand shower for compartment cleaning Injection system for steam

Options and Accessories

ConvoClean automatic compartment washing system

PC-HACCP software for establishing "HACCP controls" and automatic documentation of the cooking process

Equipment stand(s)

Equipment stand(s) with Casters

Stacking kit for stacking two (2) OGS-6.10 models

Short Form Specifications

Shall be Cleveland Model: OGS-6.10 Combination C onvection O ven / Steamer with simple to operate electronic programmable controls for Hot Air, Convection S team, and Combination c ooking mo des, "Cook & Hold" and "Delta T" slow-cooking capabilities, "Advanced Closed System" with "Crisp

&Tasty" d e-moisturizing f eature. Mu ltiple co oking s tage programs, st ored recipe l ibrary, mu ltipoint c ore t emperature probe, "Press & Go", one-step recipe start buttons, "Smart Key" for selecting option settings, two (2) speed auto reversing convection fan. Quiet, high efficiency power burner heating system; boilerless. "Disappearing Door". Capacity for six (6) 12" x 20" x 2 1/2" pans.

Stacking kit for mounting one (1) OGS-6.10 model on top of one (1) OGS-10.10

Lockable cover over operating controls for prison installations

USB or RS 485 connection for networking and controlling up to 32 units with a personal computer

Propane gas option

Plate rack for banquet operations

Plate rack cart

Thermal cover for plate or pan rack

ConvoClean compartment cleaning solution

ConvoCare concentrate for compartment rinse cycle

"Dissolve" generator descaling solution

Chicken Grill Rack

12" x 20" Wire Baskets for frying products

Additional 12" x 20" Wire Shelves

Kleensteam II Water Filters

SECT. IIA PAGE 43 0108

1333 East 179 St.,

Tel: 1-216-481-4900

Web Site:

Cleveland, Ohio, U.S.A. 44110

Fax: 1-216-481-3782


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Contents Space saving, easy to close High efficiency, power burner heating systemConnection for Cleaning Solution Shipping Weight 375 LbsAgency Approvals Gas Connection