Alto-Shaam 500-TH SERIES, 750-TH SERIES, 1000-TH SERIES manual HOT Foods

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F O O D H O L D I N G a n d S A N I TAT I O N


Food flavor and aroma are usually so closely related it is difficult, if not impossible, to separate them. There is also an important, inseparable relationship between cleanliness and food flavor. Cleanliness, top operating efficiency, and appearance of equipment contribute considerably to savory, appetizing foods. Good equipment that is kept clean, works better and lasts longer.

Most food imparts its own particular aroma and many foods also absorb existing odors. Unfortunately, during this absorption, there is no distinction between GOOD and BAD odors. The majority of objectionable flavors and odors troubling food service operations are caused by bacteria growth. Sourness, rancidity, mustiness, stale or other OFF flavors are usually the result of bacterial activity.

The easiest way to insure full, natural food flavor is through comprehensive cleanliness. This means good control of both visible soil (dirt) and invisible soil (microorganisms). Clean surfaces don’t smell. This is a basic and important fact to assure good quality in food of all kinds.

A thorough approach to sanitation will provide essential cleanliness. It will assure an attractive appearance of equipment, along with maximum efficiency and utility. More importantly, a good sanitation program provides one of the key elements in the prevention of food-borne illnesses.

A controlled holding environment for prepared foods is just one of the important factors involved in the prevention of food-borne illnesses. Temperature monitoring and control during receiving, storage, preparation and the service of foods are of equal importance.

The most accurate method of measuring safe temperatures of both hot and cold foods is by internal product temperature. A quality thermometer is an effective tool for this purpose and should be routinely used on all products that require holding at a specific temperature.





40° to 140°F


4° to 60°C

70° to 120°F


140° to 165°F


60° to 74°C








40°F or BELOW


4°C or BELOW








0° to 32°F


-18° to 0°C

0°F or BELOW


-18°C or BELOW

A comprehensive sanitation program should focus on the training of staff in basic sanitation procedures. This includes personal hygiene, proper handling of raw foods, cooking to a safe internal product temperature, and the routine monitoring of internal temperatures from receiving through service. Personal cleanliness is generally the most difficult field to control. Rigid rules of personal hygiene and practice must be instituted and maintained with standards set at the highest levels.

Most food-borne illnesses can be prevented through proper temperature control and a comprehensive program of sanitation. All these factors are important to build quality service as the foundation of customer satisfaction.



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Contents LOW Temperature Cooki NG and Holding GUI Delines Alto-Shaam Halo Heat Prod uct Ind ex Oven Prehea tin g Ins tructio ns BeefLOW Temperat URE Cook ING Introduc Tion LO W TEM PE Ratu RE COO KI NG Facts LO W TE MPE Rature CO OKI NG Facts Shrinkage Control and Cooking TimeLabor and Equipment Cost Reduction AN UA L C OO K & HO LD O VEN Optio NS & Acce Ssor IE S E R AT I O N Oven Char Acteristi CS OV EN COM Part ME NT Control Panel Ident if ICA Tion Cooking and Holding Procedures Manual Ovens Uni ted State s FDA food Requires product s such as red meat toRemain in HO LD for a specif ied time Per iod. Thi s hol ding time requir ementRehea Ting CH EF OPE Rati NG TIP S Phone 800 8.8 74 4 orCleaning and Preventive Maintenance Clean Daily Cooking Guidelines Frozen Convenience Entrée PansBeef BRI SKE T Roast To 4 roast s To 3 roastsRoasts To 8 roasts To 9 roasts Up to 40 lb 18 kg Up to 100 lb 45 kgBeef Shor T Ribs PR Eheat the Oven Short Rib s 10 to 12 oz. piece sFul l-siz e sheet pan Full- size sheet pan 18 x 13 x 18 x 26 xBeef Stri PL OI N 140F 60CPlu s add 8 minute s for each add itiona l roast RoastsCOR NE D be EF Corned Bee f 9 to 12 lb 4 to 5 kgOr more hou rs To 4 roasts To 3 roastsHA MBU Rgers Prim E RI B To 6 hoursHighly Recom mende d RoastAn overn igh t cook and hold can be done with this cut PR IME RIB Speci AL36 lb 16 kg 100 lb 45 kg RIB EYE Opti onalBeef Round BEE F Round Cafet ER IA or STE AMS HIP 40 to 49 lb 18 to 22 kg Roasts 6 to 8 hours50 to 80 lb 23 to 36 kg Roasts To 12 hours Roast To 2 roastsTEN Derl OIN Full Load to Rare 1 hourHou r Tenderloi nsSea son as desired and place directl y on wire shelves VEA L LOPR Eheat the Oven Veal Loin, Trimme d 8 to 10 lb 4 to 5 kg Not RecommendedPlac e directl y on wire shel ves LAM B, LEG18 x 13 x 1 on Shelv ES 18 x 26 x 1 on Shelves 2 hours Full Loa dGN 1/1 x 20mm GN 2/1 x 20mm HA M, FRE SH Preh EA T the OV EN Pork Fresh Ham 14 to 17 lb 6 to 8 kgTo 4 hams To 3 hams To 8 hamsPlace ham directly on wire she lves for coo kin g HAM, CU RED and SMO KEDTo 2 hours NonePOR K Chop S POR K Loin Highl y Reco mmen dedSeas on as desir ed and plac e in pans Roasts per panUp to 40 lb 18 kg Up to 100 lb 45 kg 12 x 20 x 2-1/2 12 x 20 x 2-1 /2Optiona l POR K RIB SHalf-si ze sheet pan Full-s ize she et pan 2 to 2 hou rs Full Load Proc Esse D Meats170F 77C 275F 135C Chick EN BreastsHalf-si ze sheet pans Ful l-siz e sheet pans 275 to 300F 135 to 149C 2 to 3 hours Ful l Loa d185F 85 C Ful l-siz e sheet pan Full- size sheet panChick EN, WHO LE Chic KEN , FR IED TWO -STE P ME Thod Foll OW Load Capacities for CHICKEN, Pieces & HalvesRock Cor nish Game Hens 12 oz 340 gram s eac h COR Nish HensCornish hens DUC K, WH OLE PR EH EAT the Oven Duck, Who le 4 to 5 lb 2 kg300F 149C DucksTurke y Turkeys Tur keys Turk EYTurke y Tur keys TU Rkey Brea ST PR EH EAT the Oven Turkey Breast 10 to 15 lb 5 to 7 kgTurke y breasts Tur key brea sts Turkey breasts Turke y breasts Turke y breas ts Turkey breast sTurk EY Roll To 4 hou rs Full LoadTo 8 hours Turk ey roll s Turkey rolls Tur key rollsFish , BAK ED 2 hou rs Full Load SAL MON ST Eaks28 to 32 salmon steaks Trou T POT Atoes , Baked Preh EAT the Oven Potatoes, Bak ing 80 to 90 count190F 88C 30 to 36 potatoesTo 9 pie pla te Quic HE203mm to 229mm Rice BAK ED EGG Custar D Minu tes, 4 oz. ram ekins Up to 3 hou rs for 4 stea m pansSH EET CA KE 2 hours Ful l Loa dCHE ESE CA KE Minutes to 2-3 hou rs depend ing on pan depthTo 10 round Spr ing- form pans Sprin g-form pans Spri ng-f orm pansFroze N CON Venienc E EN TRÉ ES Foil half -siz e pans Hal f-siz e pansFoil half -siz e pans Half-si ze pans 4 qts 10 x 12 x 2-1/2SER IES Froz EN POR TIO NED CON VEN IEN CE Entr ÉES00 SER I ES PR EC OOK ED Froz EN FIN GER FO ODS Appr oxim atel y Per full -siz e sheet panAppr oximatel y Per full -siz e sheet pan 30 to 45 minu tes 45 to 60 minut es Minute sBRE Akfas T Sand WI CH ES , Fres H or PRE MAD E Minut esNon e To 3 hoursCook IES Approximate pan capaci ty 24 cookies per full-size sheet panPR EH EAT the Oven Frozen Pre cooked Doughnuts Dough NUT S45 to 60 minutes Proofing Dough MIS CEL Lane OU S O K E R O P E R AT I O N COOKING/SMOKING/HOLDING Procedures Manual Ovens Preheat OvenWith a minimal amount of smoking time is suggested ONE-STEP Cooking Smoked Beef Brisket Smoked Beef TongueSmoked Fresh Hams Smoked Pork Ribs Smoked Duck Smoked TurkeyN I M U M H O L D I N G T I M E R E Q U I R E D 1 hour T H O L D T H E R M O S TAT 160FWhole Smoked Salmon Smoked Fish FilletsN I M U M H O L D I N G T I M E R E Q U I R E D none Smoked Shrimp Shrimp 16 to 20 countCold Smoked Salmon O D H O L D I N G a n d S a N I TAT I O N General Holding Cabinet Operation HOT Foods Food Safety Guidelines Page CO OK /HO LD /SE RVE SYS TE MS

1000-TH SERIES, 500-TH SERIES, 750-TH SERIES specifications

Alto-Shaam is a well-respected name in the foodservice industry, known for its innovative cooking and holding technologies. Among its prominent offerings are the 750-TH Series, 500-TH Series, and 1000-TH Series, each designed to deliver high-quality food while enhancing operational efficiency.

The 750-TH Series is notable for its versatility and robust features. It utilizes Halo Heat technology, which provides gentle, uniform heat without the use of fans, ensuring that food retains its quality and flavor. This technology not only maintains the ideal serving temperature but also minimizes moisture loss, resulting in moist, delicious dishes. The 750-TH Series is designed for high volume preparation and holding, equipped with a large capacity that can handle multiple food pans simultaneously. With digital controls that allow for precise temperature adjustments, operators can easily customize settings to accommodate various menu items.

The 500-TH Series is designed for smaller operations that still demand high performance. This series maintains the same Halo Heat technology, ensuring that the quality of food is upheld while providing energy savings. Compact and efficient, the 500-TH Series is ideal for kitchens with limited space but high expectations. The intuitive control panel allows for easy monitoring of temperatures and times, making it user-friendly. Its sleek design also ensures that it seamlessly fits into any kitchen aesthetic while maintaining functionality.

The 1000-TH Series represents the pinnacle of Alto-Shaam’s technology, geared towards the most demanding commercial kitchens. With enhanced capacity and advanced features, it offers exceptional performance for large-scale operations. The 1000-TH Series also incorporates intelligent controls that provide real-time monitoring and alerts, allowing chefs to maintain optimal food quality with minimal supervision. The robust construction and efficient design make it a reliable option for high-volume cooking situations.

Overall, the 750-TH, 500-TH, and 1000-TH Series from Alto-Shaam embody the perfect blend of innovation, versatility, and efficiency. Each series features Halo Heat technology, user-friendly controls, and a focus on retaining food quality, making them essential tools in any foodservice operation. Whether you are running a small café or a large-scale restaurant, Alto-Shaam's solutions are designed to elevate your cooking and holding processes, ensuring that every dish served is of the highest standard.