Alto-Shaam mobile refigerated cart double comopartment, 1000-mr2 manual #!!#!#!!$

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Image 7
Contents Installation Operation Maintenance Alto-Shaam Mobile Refrigerated Carts Procedures $$$*# D1F $,!$ #!!#!#!!$ $$#$$$AB*+CB % *$$ $ $ MR2 Page Page Parts Identification Page Limited Warranty
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mobile refigerated cart double comopartment, 1000-mr2 specifications

Alto-Shaam 1000-MR2 is a state-of-the-art heated holding cabinet that has garnered attention in the culinary world for its innovative technology and high-quality construction. Designed for commercial kitchens, it ensures food remains at the perfect temperature without compromising quality.

One of the standout features of the Alto-Shaam 1000-MR2 is its Precision Temperature Control. This technology allows operators to set the cabinet to maintain precise temperatures, which is crucial for food safety and quality. With an operating temperature range from 80°F to 200°F, the cabinet is versatile enough to hold a variety of foods, from freshly cooked dishes to baked goods, ensuring they remain ready to serve.

Another significant aspect of the 1000-MR2 is its exclusive Halo Heat® technology. This unique system provides gentle, even heat throughout the entire cabinet without using fans, which helps prevent food from drying out or losing its texture. Halo Heat® works by enveloping the food in a consistent temperature, making it ideal for sensitive items like delicate pastries or sauces that require careful heat management.

The design of the Alto-Shaam 1000-MR2 promotes both efficiency and convenience. With a compact footprint, it is suitable for kitchens with limited space while still providing ample storage capacity. The cabinet can accommodate multiple full-size food pans, allowing for efficient organization and easy access to various menu items. Additionally, the unit features a clear door for easy viewing, reducing the need to open the cabinet and maintain consistent temperatures.

Durability is another key characteristic of the 1000-MR2. Constructed from high-quality stainless steel, this holding cabinet is built to withstand the demands of a busy commercial kitchen. The materials used ensure longevity, and the cabinet is easy to clean, making it a practical choice for foodservice operations.

In terms of energy efficiency, the Alto-Shaam 1000-MR2 is designed to operate with minimal energy consumption, helping to reduce operational costs without sacrificing performance. Its thoughtful engineering reflects a commitment to sustainability and responsible energy use.

In summary, the Alto-Shaam 1000-MR2 stands out for its advanced features, including Precision Temperature Control, exclusive Halo Heat® technology, and a durable design. This heated holding cabinet is an essential tool for any commercial kitchen aiming to serve food at the ideal temperature while maintaining its quality and integrity. With its user-friendly operation, energy efficiency, and capacity for versatile food storage, the 1000-MR2 is a preferred choice among culinary professionals.