Indesit IN-E 160 G, GE-160 I manual GB Integrated Under -the-Counter Refrigerator 0 Stars

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GB Integrated Under -the-Counter Refrigerator (0 Stars)

Instructions for installation and use

Per garantire l ’efficienza e la sicurezza di questo elettrodomestico:

-rivolgetevi esclusivamente a centri di assistenza tecnica autorizzati

-richiedete sempre’utilizzol di parti di ricambio originali

To maintain the EFFICIENCY and SAFETY of this appliance, we r ecommend:

-call only the Service Centers authorized by the manufacturer

-always use original Spare Parts

Pour garantir l ’efficacit é et la sécurit é de ce produit:

-adressez-vous exclusivement aux Centres’assistanced technique agréés

-demander toujours ’utilisationl de pièces détachées originales

Um die Leistungsf ähigkeit und Sicherheit dieses Ger ätes zu gew ährleisten, bitte folgendes beachten:

-wenden Sie sich ausschließ lich an unsere autorisierten Service-Stellen

-verlangen Sie, daß nur Original-Ersatzteile verwendet werden

Om de doelmatigheid en veiligheid van dit toestel te garanderen raden wij u aan:

-voor reparaties alleen de Service Centers te bellen die door de fabrikant gemachtigd zijn

-altijd gebruik te maken van originele onderdelen

Para garantizar la eficacia y seguridad de este electrodom éstico:

-Diríjase exclusivamente al ServicioécnicoT Oficial del Fabricante.

-Solicite siempre la utilización de recambios originales.

Para garantir a efici ência e a seguran ça deste electrodom éstico:

-dirija-se exclusivamente a centros de assistência técnica autorizados

-solicite sempre a utilização de peças originais

Image 2
Contents IN-E 160 G GE-160 GB Integrated Under -the-Counter Refrigerator 0 Stars Safety a good habit to get into InstallationTemperature regulation knob Closer lookSetting up Your Appliance Storage getting the most out of your appliance Energy Saving TipsDefrosting Cleaning and MaintenanceCaring for Your Appliance Trouble Shooting Appliance does not Refrigerate ProperlyMerloni Elettrodomestici