Key Contacts
Repair Service and Information Desk
UK: 0870 6070805
(Open 8am to 5.30pm Mon - Fri
9am to 5pm Sat
and 10am to 4pm Sun Closed Bank Holidays)
Note: Our operators will require the following information:-
Model Number:
Serial Number:
Extended Warranty
To join: UK 0870 442 7661
(Open 8 to 8
Genuine Parts & Accessories
Mail Order Hotline
To join: UK 0870 558 5850
(Open 8.30 to 5 Mon-Fri and 8.30 to 12 Sat).
All Services are offered as an extra benefit and do not affect your statutory rights.
Indesit Company UK Ltd, Morley Way, Peterborough, PE2 9JB
09/2006 - 195048068.02