Sub-Zero Drawer Microwave ONT ACT INF Orma TIO N, Wolf Customer Service Website

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Wolf Customer Service:



WOLF® is a registered trademark of Wolf Appliance, Inc.

As you follow these instructions, you will notice WARNING and CAUTION symbols. This blocked information is important for the safe and efficient installation of Wolf equip- ment. There are two types of potential hazards that may occur during installation.

signals a situation where minor injury or product damage may occur if you do not follow instructions.

states a hazard that may cause serious injury or death if precautions are not followed.

Another footnote we would like to identify is IMPORTANT NOTE: This highlights informa- tion that is especially relevant to a problem- free installation.

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Contents Instal LAT ION INS TRU Ction S Wolf Customer Service Website ONT ACT INF Orma TIO NOn SU ME R OL F Drawe R Microwave Instal Lati on Requ IrementsNS TAL LER CL EA RA NCE S AN D D IM E N SI O N SWO LF DR Awer Micr Owave IMP Ortant Safe TY INS Truc TI on S Sealing surface location Clear ANC ES a N D D I ME N SI O N SWaveguide cover location Microwave WO LF DR Awer Micr OwaveRawer OV ER ALL Dimens IonsOV Erall Dime NS Ions Instal Lati on Instr U C TIO N S30 7 62 Drawer Microwave NS TAL Lati on Spec Ific ATI ONSInstallation below a Wolf E Series Built-In Oven WO LF DR Awer Micr Owave 762 D Rawer MicrowaveEL Ectr IC AL RE QU IR E M EN TS Anti -TI P B LOC KNS TAL L AN TI- TIP B LOC KI NG Elec TR IC AL OU TL ET LO C ATI O NEL EC TRI CAL Requ Irement S Grounding Drawer installationMpor TAN T no TE Grou N DIN G Instr U Ctio NSInstal Lati on Instr U C TIO N S YO U NE ED SER VI CE NTA CT FO RMA TI on81 3 53 INS E B5 0 9M RR0 2 0 0