Sub-Zero Drawer Microwave WO LF DR Awer Micr Owave IMP Ortant Safe TY INS Truc TI on S

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If the information in this manual is not followed exactly, a fire or electrical shock may result that could cause property damage, personal injury or death.

To reduce the risk of tipping, the drawer microwave must be secured by a properly installed Anti-Tip block.

This drawer microwave must be electri- cally grounded in accordance with local codes.

Make sure the wall coverings and the cabinets around the drawer microwave can withstand the heat generated by the drawer microwave.

Never leave children alone or unattended in the area where a drawer microwave is in use. Never leave the drawer open when the microwave is unattended.

Stepping, leaning or sitting on the drawer may result in serious injuries and can also cause damage to the drawer microwave.

Do not use the drawer microwave as a storage space. This creates a potentially hazardous situation.

Check that the time-of-day is in the display. If not, touch Stop/Clear to prevent unintended use.


Image 4
Contents Instal LAT ION INS TRU Ction S Wolf Customer Service Website ONT ACT INF Orma TIO NOL F Drawe R Microwave Instal Lati on Requ Irements NS TAL LEROn SU ME R CL EA RA NCE S AN D D IM E N SI O N SWO LF DR Awer Micr Owave IMP Ortant Safe TY INS Truc TI on S Waveguide cover location Clear ANC ES a N D D I ME N SI O N SSealing surface location WO LF DR Awer Micr Owave RawerMicrowave OV ER ALL Dimens IonsInstal Lati on Instr U C TIO N S 30 7 62 Drawer MicrowaveOV Erall Dime NS Ions NS TAL Lati on Spec Ific ATI ONSInstallation below a Wolf E Series Built-In Oven WO LF DR Awer Micr Owave 762 D Rawer MicrowaveAnti -TI P B LOC K NS TAL L AN TI- TIP B LOC KI NGEL Ectr IC AL RE QU IR E M EN TS Elec TR IC AL OU TL ET LO C ATI O NGrounding Drawer installation Mpor TAN T no TEEL EC TRI CAL Requ Irement S Grou N DIN G Instr U Ctio NSInstal Lati on Instr U C TIO N S YO U NE ED SER VI CE NTA CT FO RMA TI on81 3 53 INS E B5 0 9M RR0 2 0 0