The following are frequently asked questions (F.A.Q.) about the DKEC.
More F.A.Q.’s are available in the DKEC Help.
General Questions
Q:Is the DKEC a computer?
A:No. While the product has many powerful features, it was not designed to be a computer. It does not have a hard drive and it will not play or read
Q:What operating system does the DKEC use?
A:The DKEC uses the Microsoft® Windows® CE.NET operating system.
Q:How much memory is in the DKEC?
A:The FlipScreen has 128 MB of SDRAM.
Q:Can I add more memory to the DKEC?
A:No, you cannot add more memory to your DKEC. However, the amount of RAM currently installed in the DKEC is more than adequate to handle all of its functions.
Q:Can you print from the DKEC?
A:Printing is currently available with a variety of printers.
Q:Do the remote and keyboard use
infrared (IR) or radio frequency (RF) to communicate with the DKEC?
Q:Can I hook up external speakers to the screen?
A:Yes. In addition to the two speakers that come standard with the unit, it comes equipped with audio connections on the back panel for additional speakers. These additional speakers would need to have their own dedicated amplifiers.
Service and Cleaning Questions
Q:Are the remote and keyboard covered
by the warranty?
Q:What happens if I accidentally spill water or food on the keyboard and/or
A:Both items are water resistant. They can be washed with a mild detergent and water and then rinsed under the kitchen faucet.
Q:How do I clean the touch screen display of my DKEC?
A:Any household cleaner that does not contain vinegar is appropriate. Do not spray the cleaner directly on the screen. Spray the cleaner on a nonabrasive cloth and rub the surface of the display to clean it.
Television Questions
Q:Does the DKEC support picture in picture?
A:No, because picture in picture does not present well on a small screen.
Q:Does the DKEC support video out?
A:No, the product is strictly video in and can act as a video monitor.
Internet Questions
Q:What are the requirements for which
Broadband carriers I can use?
A:At this time, any Broadband service provider’s technology should work with the DKEC. No additional software needs to be installed onto the DKEC.
Q:What are the requirements for which
Dial-Up ISPs I can use?
A:As of the publishing of this document, the DKEC cannot support downloaded ISP software, such as that provided by AOL®. However, you can still access your Email at the AOL Anywhere® or MSN Hotmail® sites. All other major ISPs, such as Earthlink™, will work with the DKEC. More information about
Q:What does it mean when the same Web site viewed on my DKEC looks slightly
different from how it looks on my PC?
A:If this occurs, it will occur very rarely. It is a result of very minor differences between your DKEC browser and the browser on your PC. The DKEC browser is built on Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5.
Q:Can I use Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) to connect my DKEC through my existing PC running the Windows operating system?
A:If your existing PC is running Windows 98 Second Edition, Windows 2000, Windows Millennium Edition (Me), or Windows XP with Internet Connection Sharing installed, your DKEC, as well as other computers on your LAN, can then gain access to the Internet through the connection on the computer that has Internet Connection Sharing installed. For more information about ICS, visit http://www.microsoft.com
DVD and CD Questions
Q:Why don’t some DVD buttons on the remote and keyboard work with all
A:Not all DVDs are published with all of the features that the DKEC is capable of supporting. In some cases, DVD manufacturers have certain features available only at specific times. In addition, certain content will not respond to all commands. For example, the Stop button will not affect the “FBI Warning” screen.
FM Radio Questions
Q:Why does the product have FM only (and not AM as well)?
A:Based on our research, the vast majority of our customer demographic listens exclusively to FM radio.
Q:How many radio channels can I store
with the product?
A:The product will store as many as 21 channels.
Q:Can I install my own FM antenna on the back of the appliance?
A:Yes. The antenna supplied with your unit has been tested and will typically provide good FM radio reception. You may be able to improve reception by using a more powerful antenna.
Q:Does touch screen work with the FM radio mode?
A:Yes. The touch screen works with all the functionality of the Radio mode.