Whirlpool ED22ZRXDN00 manual Panel de control de Temperatura

Page 62

Panel de control (p. 7)

Foco (p. 20)

- . .




de hielo



(P. 15)









(P. G------

Parrilla del congelador+ w

(P. 10)

Despachador de agua y hielo 1

(P. 13)

Cajdn para came .

(P. 10)

Canastilla del congelador ‘ye

(P. 12)

Rodadillos niveladores

(detrk de la ’ rejilla de la base)

(P. 6)

Rejilla de la base (p. 19)

+Numero varia con el modelo

Panel de control de Temperatura

Control del

Control del



Etiqueta con el numero de modelo

-y de serie

(en la pared lateral)


-para huevos

(P. 10)

Parrillas del


(P. 9)

Anaquel movible de la

-puerta (p. 8)

Foco del cajdn

-para legumbres

(P. 20)

Cajdn para


(P. 11)

Control de temperatura del cajdn para

1came (en la pared lateral)

(P. 11)


Image 62
Contents Refrigeradores QUE no Hacen Contents Help us help you Refrigerator SafetyYour safety is important to us Parts and Features P12Control panel Installing it properly Before Using Your RefrigeratorCleaning your refrigerator Plugging itChanging the control settings Using Your RefrigeratorSetting Controls FrederRemoving the door trim dispenser area Adjusting Door binsRemoving the snap-on door trivet On some modelsAdjusting the cantilever refrigerator shelves Removing the tall-bottle retainerCover Using the egg binRemoving the meat drawer Removing the crisper and crisper cover Adjusting the meat drawerTemperature To remove the crisperRemoving the freezer shelf Removing the snack binRemoving the freezer basket Plastic bin on some modelsIce dispenser Using the ice and water dispensersWater dispenser Possible CAUSE/SOLUTION Ice dispenser problemsProblem Solving commonUsing the automatic ice maker Solving common ice maker problemsRemoving the ice maker storage bin To remove ice binTools required Attaching the ice maker to a water supplyRead all directions carefully before you begin Cold water supplyThat Leak Connecting to water lineConnecting to refrigerator Removing Base grille Changing the light bulbsTo change dispenser area light To change light below ice binTo change upper freezer light on some models Saving energy Understanding the soundsYou may hear HOW to Clean Part What to USEPower interruptions Vacation and moving careStoring frozen food Food Storage GuideStoring fresh food Check the Following Before calling for assistanceThere is water In the defrost pan Service For assistance or service in the U.S.AAppliance Service Consumer Services For assistance or serviceIf you need service Lnglis LimitedWarranty Refrigerator Warranty OnlyWhirlpool Refrigerator Warranty Canada only Merci d’avoir achet6 un appareil 6lectromenager Whirlpool Table des matikesVeuillez noter Votre s6curit6 nous tient B coeur SBcurit6 du refrigkrateurImportantes Instructions DE SkURITt Gdez-nous a vous aiderPikes et caractdristiques Tableau de commande Lllll rNettoyage du Gfrigerateur Installation correcteAvant I’utilisation du rhfrighrateur BranchementUtilisation du rhfrighrateur R6glage des commandesChangement du r6glage des commandes Rhglage des balconnets Dans la Porte Retrait du balconnet emboitableRetrait de la tringle de garniture amovible dans la Porte Sur certains modhlesPour remettre en place le dispositif de retenue Retrait du dispositif de retenue pour hautes bouteillesR6glage des clayettes du refrigerateur Pour retirer les clayettesUtilisation de I’oeufrier Retrait du bat Zi viande et du couverclePour retirer le bat 2 Ggumes R6glage de la temphrature du bat ti viandeRetrait des bats & kgumes et du couvercle Retrait de la clayette du conghlateur Retrait du bat 6 casse-cro0teRetrait des paniers du co lnghlateur Sur certains modiklesDistributeur de glaGons Utilisation du syst&me de distribution d’eau et de glaqonsDistributeur d’eau Probkmes Communs Du distributeur SolutionCAUSE/SOLUTION Possible Automatique Solutions Aux probkmes De fonctionnement De la machineUtilisation de la machine B glaGons Retrait du bat de la machine 6 glagons Pour retirer le batRaccordement de la machine Canalisation d’eau GlaGons 2r laRaccordement B une Canalisation d’eau Pour retirer la grille Retrait de la grille de la baseRaccordement au r6f rigtkateur Pour remettre la grillePour changer I’ampoule du rbfrigbrateur Remplacement des ampoules blectriquesRisque de choc dlectrique Pour changer I’ampoule du bat & GgumesRemplacement de I’ampoule au-dessous du bat a glaqons Pour changer I’ampoule du distributeur’hergie Les bruits de I’appareilConseils pour konomiser Entretien du rkfrigbrateur Nettoyage du rhfrighrateurPannes de courant Prbparatifs avant le dbpart D6tihagementEn vacances ou un Frais Conservation des alimentsConservation des aliments Conghlation Emballage recommand6Emballage Ne pas utiliserLe plateau de degivrage contient de I’eau Avant de faire un appel de serviceD6pannage Trop souventMhagers Si vous aver besoin de serviceLimit6e Service AuxGarantie Lndice Ill. Materiales Para Instalacion DE Agua Requerimientos Refrigeradores RefrigeradoresAylidenos a ayudarle Seguridad del RefrigeradorSu seguridad es importante para nosotros Partes y Caracterkticas IIIPanel de control de Temperatura C6mo Enchufar su Refrigerador Antes de Usar su RefrigeradorLimpieza de su refrigerador Lnstalacibn correctaC6mo cambiar la posici6n CXmo Usar su RefrigeradorC6mo poner en posicibn 10s controles De 10s controlesC6mo ajustar el anaquel movible de la puerta C6mo mover el broche de presi6n del anaquel de la puertaC6mo quitar el anaquel movible de la puerta En algunos modelosC6mo quitar el retenedor de botellas altas C6mo quitar las parrillas del refrigeradorC6mo usar el recipiente Para Huevos C6mo quitar el caj6n para came y la tapaPara quitar el caj6n para legumbres C6mo ajustar la temperatura del caj6n para cameC6mo quitar el caj6n para legumbres y la tapa Para quitar la tapaC6mo ajustar la parrilla del congelador C6mo quitar el caj6n multiusosC6mo sacar la canastilla del congelador El mimer0 varia segtin el modeloEl distribuidor de hielo C6mo usar el despachador de agua y hieloEl despachador de agua Soluci6n de problemas comunes de 10s distribuidores de hielo Comunes de la f6brica de hielo C6mo usar la fabrica automhtica de hieloSoluci6n a woblemas CAUSAlSOLUClON PosiblePara quitar el recipiente para hielo Para quitar el recipiente para hieloSuministro de agua fria Conexi6n de la fgbrica de hielo al suministro de aguaHerramientas Necesarias Riesgo de Choque El6ctricoConexih de la tuberia del agua Para retirar la rejilla inferior C6mo quitar la rejilla de la baseConexih al ref rigerador Para colocar la rejillaPara cambiar el foco del refrigerador C6mo cambiar 10s focosRiesgo de Choque Ektrico C6mo cambiar el foco del caj6n para legumbresPara cambiar el foco del Srea del despachador Ahorro de energia Sonidos provenientes de suRefrigerador Pieza WE Usar Vacaciones cotias Cuidado durante las vacaciones y mudanzasLnterrupciones de energia ektrica Vacaciones largasPara la Conservacibn de 10s Alimentos Almacenamiento de alimentos frescosCongelacibn Almacenamiento de alimentos congeladosC6mo envasar 10s alimentos Envolturas recomendadasSolucion Antes de pedir ayudaEl motor parece que funciona excesivamente Modelos PblizaVitromatic FORMAT0 DE Identificacion Firma DEL Distribuidor Y SELL0Zona Occidente Centro de Servicio y Venta de Refacciones y PartesZona Norte Zona Centro y Sureste3195

ED22ZRXDN00 specifications

The Whirlpool ED22ZRXDN00 is a versatile and efficient refrigerator designed to meet the modern family's needs while maximizing convenience and storage capabilities. With a capacity of 21.9 cubic feet, it provides ample space for groceries, beverages, and meal prep. This model features the classic top-freezer style, which remains a popular choice for households looking for accessibility and ease of use.

One of the key features of the ED22ZRXDN00 is its Adaptive Defrost technology. This innovative system monitors the refrigerator's usage patterns and only runs the defrost cycle when necessary, helping to improve energy efficiency and reduce food waste. As a result, users can enjoy lower energy bills while ensuring that their food stays fresher for longer.

The refrigerator is equipped with the Well-Designed Fresh Food Compartment, which includes adjustable shelves and crispers. The adjustable shelves allow users to customize their storage configurations, accommodating items of various heights with ease. Additionally, the humidity-controlled crispers help maintain the freshness of fruits and vegetables by reducing moisture loss.

Moreover, the ED22ZRXDN00 features a water dispenser located on the exterior, providing easy access to chilled water without having to open the refrigerator door. This not only saves energy but also enhances convenience for busy families. The interior of the refrigerator also includes bright LED lighting, which not only illuminates the space effectively but is also energy-efficient, providing visibility without generating excess heat.

The model is designed with a sleek finish, available in multiple color options to seamlessly blend with any kitchen décor. The refrigerator's durable construction ensures longevity, while the easy-to-use controls make operation simple for everyone in the household.

In addition to these features, the Whirlpool ED22ZRXDN00 is designed with a focus on quiet operation, ensuring minimal noise disruption in the home. The Quality Assurance testing, which Whirlpool employs, ensures that customers receive a reliable appliance that meets their expectations for performance and durability.

With a combination of ample storage space, innovative technologies, and user-friendly features, the Whirlpool ED22ZRXDN00 makes a practical addition to any kitchen, offering both style and functionality. This appliance exemplifies Whirlpool's commitment to creating superior products that enhance everyday life while being mindful of energy consumption and environmental impact.