Whirlpool 4370070, 4370077 FtJTRODUCTlON, Deeending on the nstaller’s knowledge and skull. insial

Page 8




Thg Penmerer Trim Kit artaches as a ‘trame”lc free-standing :ef:lgeraIcrs and IS deslgned lo grvc a built-In look when cabineis are lccared above and on bolh sides.

i DESCRIPTION ) BllD PN ! 8171 P’N j 6; )


before s:anrng lo install the Permeter Trim Ki!. Make sure all necessary tools and malenal are available to complete the

joo S!udv ducIratlons to &corn? familiar with thC appll~ncc and with imponanr details of the r;lstallation procedure.


1.Mechanical experience is required in order to install

perirnerer r:rin kir.

2.Deeending on the nstaller’s knowledge and skull. insial-

Iail can lake tram one-natt (1 ,Z) to one i 11 tiour.

2\Nhen moving the refrrgerator. prom: sott vinyl and other Iloonng.

;?erfrznent-type. couble-sldti ,zdheswe iaozon velcro ,caici?es rs ;I& to arta& mm j32;es for easy removal Before removing paper SCkinO from the double sided xfhesive law. check the tocatio,i of velcro paiches on lrlm pteces and on refrigerator surfaces. Be sure you

unaerstand how 10rnstafl each one. To insure adhesrve-

hacked lrrm pieces adhere properly alI c~)rfar%s mukl be clean. dry. and free of adhesive residue before insfaliing

Ir:m kit. Damage IO refrigerator and trim pieces could

result ifadjustmen or removal of adhesives is attempted

atter installation.


1 A CAUTlOk )




To install the perimeter trim klf us2 the followins basic tee,

1$2 point Phillips screwdriver

2.Tightly fitt~ncMgloves and arm protectIon

-c. ?a correctly install refrigerator with perimeter kit at- tached. opening between and below cabinets must be at least 69 Inches high. 36 inches wide (maximum 36318 irrdtes for ccslom locations). and 24 irlcl es dew. Frunl corners or counter tops may also need 10 be trimmed so refngerator and freezer doors WIIIopen completely. See page 11 / for more Intormatlon.

6.Belore installing perimeter Vim kit. refrigerator must be rOlled into place berween cablnels and properly leveled.

See refngerator installation lnstnrctions for instructions on leveling,


ED20DBXEW 4378872

ED20DBXEN 4378871

ED20DBXEB 4378870

ED2ODFXEW 4378872

ED20DFXEN 4378871

ED20DFXEB 4378870



Image 8
Contents Side-by-Side Decorator Door Panel Installation Instructions 6 mm Panel DimensionsProcedure Ul uContents Parts ListIntroduction 1Item Description QtyProcedure Wire conr#eto Wire wnnectonJon Aler brbe clamp screwRemove taps from doors Pja=Page Page FtJTRODUCTlON Deeending on the nstaller’s knowledge and skull. insialUnaerstand how 10rnstafl each one. To insure adhesrve Irm kit. Damage IO refrigerator and trim pieces couldIr4TRODUCTlON Cabiners are lccared above and on borh sidesInstaliation Instructions Instructions Gently pull on lop kme to separate velcro patches

4370076, 4370077, 4370070 specifications

The Whirlpool 4370070, 4370077, and 4370076 are premium refrigerator water filters designed to ensure that you enjoy clean, pure, and refreshing water straight from your refrigerator. These filters are compatible with various Whirlpool, Maytag, and KitchenAid refrigerator models, making them essential for maintaining the quality of your drinking water and ice.

One of the primary features of these water filters is their advanced filtration system. They employ a granular activated carbon (GAC) matrix that effectively removes contaminants such as chlorine, sediment, and other impurities from your tap water. This not only enhances the taste and smell of the water but also assures consumers that they are drinking H2O free from harmful substances.

Additionally, the Whirlpool 4370070, 4370077, and 4370076 water filters boast a high flow rate. This means that they can provide a continuous supply of purified water without the long wait times often associated with slower filters. Whether you are filling a glass, making ice, or preparing beverages, these filters deliver consistency and convenience.

The filters are designed with user-friendliness in mind. Their easy installation process allows homeowners to replace their filters without the need for professional assistance. With a simple twist-and-lock mechanism, you can have your filter installed in seconds. This is particularly important for busy households where time is of the essence.

A notable characteristic of these filters is their longevity. They typically last for up to six months or filter approximately 200 gallons of water, depending on usage and water quality. This longevity ensures that you won't have to worry about changing filters frequently, providing peace of mind and convenience.

Moreover, these filters are NSF certified, meaning they have been tested and verified to meet strict standards for contaminant reduction. This certification adds an extra layer of assurance for consumers regarding the safety and effectiveness of the product.

In conclusion, the Whirlpool 4370070, 4370077, and 4370076 are excellent choices for anyone looking to improve their drinking water quality. With advanced filtration technology, user-friendly design, and impressive longevity, these water filters represent a significant investment in health and quality of life. Regular replacement of these filters ensures that you continue to enjoy pure, delicious water with every sip.