•Placeitemsintherowsbetweenprongs. Placingthemovertheprongsmaylead tobreakage.
China,crystal,andotherdelicateitems mustnottoucheachotherduringdish-
Mixed load
=Small bowls, pans, and other utensils can be placed in the top rack.
Load plastic items in the top rack only. Plastic items may melt in the bottom rack.
Wash only plastic items marked "dish- washer safe."
Load plastic items so the force of the spray does not move them during the cycle.
Infinite adjustable top rack
{on some models)
Raise or lower the rack to fit tall items in
either the top or bottom rack. The top rack does not have to be level.
Turn the knob clockwise to raise a side of the rack.
Turn the knob counterclockwise to lower a side of the rack.
Adjustable 3=position top rack
{on some models)
You can raise or lower the rack to fit tall items in either the top or bottom rack. The high and low positions are marked on the
adjuster on the side facing the center of the dishwasher.
1.Hold top rack with one hand near adjuster.
2.Pull top of adjuster lever out with other hand.
3.Lift or lower rack to one of the preset positions.
4.Release adjuster lever.
5.Repeat Steps 1=4for the three remaining adjusters as needed. The four adjusters can be raised or lowered separately or together, as desired. The top rack does not have to be level.
Mixed load
Do not cover third level wash