Whirlpool Microwave Range Recommended duct length, 3W x IO duct system, Standard, System

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Cony. from Panel A

revxed The appliance coblnet must not be connected to the neutral termlnol. but must be connected to the grounding we [green] of the power supply cord. [See “Four-wireelectrlcal connection” sectlon. Panel C.]

When o four-wire receptacle of NEMA tvpe Id-50R is used (See Figure 2.). o matching. U.L.-listed, 120/240-volt, 50. ampere. range power supply cord (plgtail) must be used. This cord contains four copper conductors with ring terminals on the appliance end, terminating in a NEMA type 14.5OP plug on the supply end. The fourth (grounding) conductor must be identified by a green or green/yellow cover and the neutral conductor by a while cover. Cord should be Type SRD or SRDTwith a U.L.-l&c strain relief and be at least four feet long

The MINIMUM conductor sizes for the copper 4-wire power cord are:

50 ampere circuit

2.NO.6 conductors

1.No 8 white neutral

1.No 6 green groundtng

A wiring diagram ISincluded H in the lech sheet. The tech sheet IS

‘located behtnd the control panel

Venting requhements

Terminate venting system to the

Do Not terminate the vent in an attic or other enclosed space.

Failure to follow these instructions could result in a fire.

Ductwork needed for lnslallafion is not included. Wall or roofcaps used must have back-draft damper.

Determine which outslde venting

method needs to be used Note: If a non- venting (reclrculatlng] Installation 1s desired, you will need to order Non-vent Kit a14023 and follow Installation inslructions provided with the kit

The length of ductwork and number of elbows should be kept to a mlnimum to provide effictent performance The size of the ductwork should be uniform Do Net install two elbows together Use duct tape to seal all joints In duct system. Ductwork can terminate either through the roof or wall. Figures 3-5 show ccmmon venting methods and what types of materials are needed Use ccJklng to seal exferlor wall or roof opening around exhaust hood

Figure 4

3.” x to 3Y4”x 10” through the roe, through wall


I lo- to




3Y.” x to” to round


ductwork transitlon

Recommended duct length

Use 3b” x VY or & duct with a maxImum length of 26 feet for duct system For bes’ perlormance use no more than

PANlt 8

three 90” elbows To calculate the length of system you need add the equivalent feet for each duct piece used In the system See the following example

3W x IO” duct system


9 feet straight



Length of




x 10” system










6” duct


wall cap




Lenath of 6” svstem = 22.5 ft

Now start...

With range in kitchen.

I Personal lniuw Hazard

More than one p&on is required to lifi. tilt or move this aoollance because of Its weight did size.

Failure to follow these instructions may result in personal injury.

1 Remove racks and other parts n from Inside oven.

2 Take 4 cardboard corners from n the carton. Stack one cardbcard

corner on tap of another. Repeat with the other two comers. Place corners lengthwise on the floor in back of range to support range off of skid.

3 Ftrmly grasp the range and w Rentlv lay it on Its back on the

cardboard corners

4 Remove two Vu” shipping n bolts from the skid Discard

skid and bolts

5 Use adJustable wrench to loosen n leveling legs four complete turns.

6 Place a piece of the n cardboard shipping

container on the floor. Stand the range buck up on the cardboard

7 Remove shipping materials w including clips that hold

elements in place, tape and protective film from rangem

Remove terminal block cover n located on back of range

J-wire electrical connectlon

See Panel C for I-wire electrical

connection. rT--.‘--> _ .... 8.



9 Use a U L -listed strain relief and n insert it into the hole below the

terminal block. Insert the power cord through the strain relief allowing enough slack to easily attach to terminal block. Do Not loosen factory-installed nuts already installed on the terminal. Be sure that nuts are installed tight.

Use onlv rtna-tvpe terminals to conned pab~supply. To secure the mwer SUDDIV cord. use the ‘/a” brass


This appliance Is manufactured wlth neutral terminal connected to the frame. If local codes Do Not permll graundlng through the neutral. a tour- wire. UL-llsted. pawersu~~ly cord mteb 240 volts, ‘SOamp&& bnd Inves- tlgaled for use with ranges must be used. See 4-wire etectrtcal connec- tlon. Panel C.

10 Connect the neutral [white] n wire to the center silver-

colored terminal screw on terminal

block. Connect the other two wires to the outer terminal screws on the terminal block. Use ring-type terminals only. Connect with the brass nuts tap& to the range. Do Not loosen factory-installed nuts already installed on the terminal. Check that nuts are tight to insure proper electrical connection.

11 Tighten the strain relief screws.

. Replace terminal block cover.

12 Determine which venting n method (roof or wall

venting orventless) you need to use This range is manufactured for outslde venting. If a non-venting (recirculating) installation is desired. you WIII need

to order Non-vent Kit 814023 and follow installation instructions provided with the kit.

Image 3
Contents Whirlpool Important Observe all crovernina codes and ordinanck Mobile home installationStandard Wire electrical connectlonRecommended duct length 3W x IO duct systemPush in and turn Kwlre electrical connection3v&y-&i+sI Use a U.L.-listed strain reliefWhirlpool ACcwoRATlON