Setting Up the FaxPress Premier Digital
To change the Premier’s default digital board configuration to match your
1.Attach a mouse, keyboard, and monitor to the FaxPress Premier Digital. Although Remote Desktop can be used for configuring other aspects of the Premier system, it can’t be used for this.
2.Power on the Premier Digital.
3.Log into the Premier system as Administrator. The default pass- word is castelle. Make sure castelle is all lower case.
4.Open the Services directory. (Start>Settings>Control Panel>Administrative Tools>Services.)
5.Stop all Castelle services.
6.Stop the GammaLink System service.
7.Stop the Dialogic System Service.
8.Use Windows Explorer to browse to the C:\Program Files\Dia- logic\Data directory.
9.Find the group of three .config, .pcd, and .fcd files that corre- spond to your
10.Select the group of group of three .config, .pcd, and .fcd files that apply to your
11.Use Notepad to open the .config file, modify it with your
12.From a command prompt, change directory to C:\Program Files\Dialogic\Bin, and type:
fcdgen c:\program files\dialogic\data\modified_ config_filename.config
where modified_config_filename.config is the one you just modi- fied in step 11.
13. Press Enter to generate a new .fcd file, filename.fcd.