Kubbe Attachment
I]Z`jWWZViiVX]bZci^hjhZYid[dgbVXVh^c\dg Xna^cYZg"a^`Z h]Zaa [dg `jWWZ! V igVY^i^dcVa B^YYaZ :VhiZgcY^h]#
To use the kubbe attachment:
Note: The grinding blade and grind plates are not installed for making kubbe. The kubbe attachment and flange may be stored in the top cover for transport/storage purposes.
3. >chZgii]Z`jWWZViiVX]bZcidcidi]ZVj\Zg! |
i]ZceaVXZi]Z`jWWZ[aVc\ZdkZgi]ZViiVX]" |
bZci!Vhh]dlc^cFigure 15# |
@jWWZ;aVc\Z |
@jWWZ |
6iiVX]bZci |
Figure 15.>chiVaa^c\`jWWZViiVX]bZci# |
4. HZXjgZi]Z`jWWZViiVX]bZciVcY[aVc\Zl^i] i]ZadX`g^c\hZZFigure 16#
5. EaVXZ i]Z egZeVgZY `jWWZ Ydj\] dcid i]Z ]deeZgigVn#
6. 8dccZXii]Z\g^cYZgidedlZg!ijgc^iON!VcY [ZZYi]ZYdj\]^cidi]Zi]gdVil^i]i]Zejh] hi^X`# I]Z \g^cYZg l^aa WZ\^c ZmigjY^c\ i]Z djiZgh]Zaad[i]Z`jWWZ#
7. L]Zc [ZZY^c\ ^h XdbeaZiZY! Xji i]Z Ydj\] ^cidYZh^gZaZc\i]h#
8. HZVadcZZcYd[ZVX]e^ZXZd[`jWWZ!hij[[^i l^i]i]ZYZh^gZY[^aa^c\h!VcYXdd`idndjga^`" ^c\#
Figure 16.@jWWZViiVX]bZci^chiVaaZY#
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