Follow these tips for best results:
9d cdi \g^cY WdcZh! iZcYdch! WaddY Xadih! XdgYh!dgbZiVae^ZXZh#
EaVXZVXdciV^cZgjcYZgi]Z\g^cYZg]ZVYid gZXZ^kZ\gdjcYbZVi#
8ji bZVi ^cid & ^cX] hfjVgZh0 eaVXZ i]ZhZ dcidi]Z]deeZgigVnWjiYdcdidkZg[^aa^i!VcY bV`ZhjgZi]Zi]gdViVgZVgZbV^chdeZc#
Do not force grinder during operation, and do not operate without meat in the grind- ing head. Otherwise, damage to the grinder may occur.
To grind meat:
1. 8dccZXii]Z\g^cYZgidedlZg!egZhhi]ZDC Wjiidc! i]Zc [ZZY bZVi ^cid i]Z igVn i]gdVi jh^c\i]Zejh]hi^X`hZZFigure 10#
Figure 10.Jh^c\ejh]hi^X`id[ZZYbZVi#
<gdjcYbZVi h]djaY[adldjid[i]Z \g^cYZg! Vhh]dlc^cFigure 11#
Figure 11.:mVbeaZd[egdXZhh^c\bZVi#
Tip: To avoid overheating the motor, let it cool for 10 minutes after every 10 minutes of continuous use.
2. Ijgci]Z\g^cYZgOFFl]Zc[^c^h]ZY#
Only use the included push stick when feeding food into the grinding head. Do NOT push food into the throat with your fin-
If the grinder jams or is slow:
1. EgZhhi]ZD;;$G:K:GH:Wjiidcidijgci]Z \g^cYZgOFF!i]ZclV^i(%hZXdcYh#
2.EgZhh i]Z D;;$G:K:GH: Wjiidc id gjc i]Z \g^cYZg^cgZkZghZVcYXaZVgi]Z_Vb#
Note:To avoid damaging the motor, only run the grinder in reverse for a few seconds.
>[ i]Z \g^cYZg Xdci^cjZh id _Vb dg deZgViZh hadlan/
a. 9>H8DCC:8I <G>C9:G ;GDB EDL:G
b. GZbdkZ i]Z adX` g^c\! \g^cY^c\ eaViZ! VcY\g^cY^c\WaVYZ#
c. 8aZVc i]Z \g^cY^c\ eaViZ ]daZh VcY i]Z \g^cY^c\WaVYZ!WZ^c\hjgZidgZbdkZi]Z bViZg^Vai]ViXVjhZYi]Z_Vb#
d.GZ"^chiVaa i]Z \g^cY^c\ WaVYZ! \g^cY^c\ eaViZ!VcYadX`g^c\#
e.GZXdccZXii]Z\g^cYZgidedlZgVcY[da" adl^chigjXi^dch[dg\g^cY^c\#