TC electronic SDN BHD Home Stereo System manual Preset Management, NEXT/PREVIOUS Presets

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Preset Management

TC's comprehensive file based preset architecture makes archiving presets a simple process. This allows you to organize your presets the way you find most comfortable for your workflow, and to exchange presets with other users, no matter the platform or application. Presets are saved as discrete files on your hard drive. Once a preset is saved into the default location, it will automatically appear in the 'File' menu every time you use the plug-in. The files can then be organized into sub-folders, where you can delete, rearrange or create your own sub-folders to accommodate your needs.

NOTE: A folder will appear in the Preset File Menu if it contains at least one preset.


From the plug-in's Main page, you can directly jump from one preset to the next (or previous) by clicking on the UP/DOWN arrows to the right of the preset name.

All presets available at the default plug-in preset location will be considered, so you could in theory reach every preset this way. Direct access to specific presets is done via the "File" button:


Pressing the 'File' button will open the plug-in's File menu. The following options are available from the File menu.

Loading a Preset

By selecting 'Load', you can navigate to any folder on the system that you have read access to, including any shared folder. By default, these will be loaded from the default location for UnWrap presets. Only presets located in the default file location will appear in the UnWrap pop-up preset menu.

Naming a Preset

Double click on the name field

Type in the new name

Press Enter

Saving a Preset

By selecting 'Save', you can save your preset to any folder on the system that you have write access to, including any shared folder. By default, presets are saved to the default location for the UnWrap presets.



Image 17
Contents Page Contact Details TC Support InteractiveTable of Contents Unwrap Background Introduction Setting upProgram related conversion options UnWrap in useCenter MainSurround Bit TransparencySystem requirements What is LtRt?MIX Unwrap -TDM /5Global Plug-In Controls Keyboard CommandsAutomation Focus FieldsInput Trim MainProcessing LFE ProcessingContour Style CenterReference Level Type SelectorUnwrap -TDM /9 FreqGain Decorrelate Style SurroundFocus Decorrelate ToneUnwrap -TDM /11 Output Delay DelayFine Adjust Output Delay 12 / Unwrap -TDMOutputs OutputOutput Levels Unwrap -TDM /1314 / Unwrap -TDM Downmix LevelsNEXT/PREVIOUS Presets Preset ManagementPreset File Menu Naming a PresetMac OS Default Preset LocationsWindows 16 / Unwrap -TDMUnwrap -TDM /17 18 / Unwrap -TDM Compare Settings with A/B MEM FunctionUnwrap -TDM /19 Parameter Lock AT Preset Recall20 / Unwrap -TDM Setup ExampleUnwrap -TDM /21