Symphony FlexBracket (part #92337): Plastic template to reserve a mounting hole for ThinLine speakers in new construction. Designed to be used with the RotoLock® mounting system.
SymphonyTR Coverplate (part #92335): Reusable cover protects the hole made by the FlexBracket during construction until the speaker is installed.
ThinLine Single Stereo Technology® SSTR speakers are ideal for use in hallways, bathrooms, closets, or in any location where listeners will be moving around and a pair of stereo speakers would be impractical. The location of the speaker should be determined by considering the primary listening location as well as aesthetic values. Because a single ThinLine SSTR speaker reproduces both stereo channels from a single location, it will deliver outstanding performance from an extremely wide variety of mounting locations. For optimum results contact your Authorized Sonance Dealer for advice.
TL623R, TL622R, TL621R
When selecting mounting locations for your speakers you should consider such things as your primary listening location, the primary use for the speakers (distributed audio,
Distributed Audio Speaker Placement (Mono signal)
All Sonance ThinLine speaker | models | have very smooth | and predictable | they provide excellent coverage in distributed audio systems from | ||||
a wide variety of installation locations. The chart in Figure 1 shows how far | apart | the | speakers can be placed at different | ceiling | heights while still | |||
providing good coverage (as | shown | in Figure 2). The | distances are based on ear | heights | of | 62” for standing listeners and 40” for | seated | listeners. |
Speaker Spacing (in feet) for a Distributed Audio System
| Standing Listener | Seated Listener |
5.7' | 9.5' | |
9.7' | 13.5' | |
13.7' | 17.5' | |
17.7' | 21.5' | |
F i g u r e 1 : D i s t r i b u t e d A u d i o S p e a k e r S p a c i n g
| Speaker |
| Spacing |
Coverage | Coverage |
Area | Area |
F i g u r e 2 : D i s t r i b u t e d A u d i o C o v e r a g e A r e a |