Using Your Snugasabug® Fitted Electric Blanket
Before First Use
Remove any promotional material from the electric blanket.
Securing Your Fitted Electric Blanket
Place the electric blanket on the mattress, so that the skirt is visible and the controller is under the electric blanket and exits through the skirt aperture. Ensure the heating wire section on the electric blanket is clear of the pillow.
Fig. 1
NOTE: On the models KEB412 and KEB512, the blanket can be turned over so that the controller is located on either side of the bed.
NOTE: The blanket material must not be wider than the mattress with which it is to be used. It is normal for a small section of the fitted skirt to be showing on top of a larger sized mattress.
Pull the elastic inside the fitted skirt over the ends of the mattress. Ensure to pull the middle of the blanket so that the blanket is evenly stretched and distributed over the entire mattress to ensure creases or rucking is not evident. No heating wire must be trapped or tucked into any part of the bed. Ensure the elastic of the blanket skirt is completely under the entire mattress and secure.
NOTE: Ensure that the blanket is stretched completely flat when placed on the mattress and creases or rucking is not evident.
Caution: No heating wire must be trapped or tucked into any part of the bed.
Fig. 2
KEB412_IB_FA.indd 7 | 14/10/09 1:26 PM |