Nespresso C101USTINE1 DaILy aFteR tHe Last CoFFee, CLean WHen neCessaRy, Net toyeR sI néCessaIRe

Page 10

DaILy: aFteR tHe Last CoFFee/

tous Les JouRs : aPRès Le DeRnIeR CaFé

1.Press the oFF switch eteindre

2.empty capsule container + drip tray

Vider réservoir à capsule + bac d’égouttage

2.Rinse and empty water tank

Rincer et vider le réservoir

CLean: WHen neCessaRy/

net toyeR : sI néCessaIRe

1. Damped cloth, mild


solvent containing

dish washer

cleaning agent


contient des solvants



Chiffon humide, agent nettoyant doux

Image 10
Contents Ma machine Content / Contenu Essenz aP o Rta n t saFeGuaRDs Lire toutes les instructions Ne pas utiliser à l’extérieurG LaGe Du MoDe éConoMIe D’éneRGIe PoWeR saVe MoDe set tInGsOVeRVIe W InItIaL set uP oR aFteR a LonGeR PeRIoD oF non use PrêtDaILy BeFoRe BRe WInG youR FIRst CuP URn a L I e R aVant Le PReMIeR CaFéÉ Pa R atIo n E Pa R atIo n’eau O G R aM MatIon De La quantIté De CaFé Switch oFFPRoGR aMMInG tHe Fill uP Le VeL Eteindre ButtonDaILy aFteR tHe Last CoFFee CLean WHen neCessaRyNet toyeR sI néCessaIRe PRoteCtIon OuvrirTa Rt R aG e S C a L I n G90 sec Détartrer après Cups, tasses 40mlTRouBLesHootInG/ Pannes ECoLaBoR atIon eCoLaBoR atIon . CoM Co L a B o R atIo n eCoLaBoR atIon . CoMM I t eD WaRR ant y/ GaR antIe LIMItée Nespresso Australia S E Nz a CO N T E N I D O / CONTEúDOMEDIDas PRE VENTIVas IMPORTaNTEs Ne pas ouvrir l’appareil. Tension dangereuse à l’intérieur Ne pas utiliser l’appareil sans bac et grille d’égouttageBotão Ligar/Desligar AlavancaPeças de Troca Extraer el folio Ligar DIaRIaMENTE aNTEs DEL Primer CaFÉA R IaM E N T E aNTEs do Primeiro CaFÉ De águaPR E Pa R aC Ió N PR E Pa R aÇ ÃOProgr aMaR CaNTIDaD DE LLENaDO PR O G R aMaR O NíVEL DEsEjaDOLIMPIaR EN CasO DE sER NECEsaRIO LIMPaR QUaNDO NECEssáRIOAbrir FecharS C a LC I F I C a R 90 sAviso Descalcificar depois deDEsCaRTE E PREOCUPaÇõEs ECOLóGICas AVERías/ sOLUÇÃO DE PROBLEMasEsPECIFICaCIONEs ES PT GaR aNTía LIMITaDa/ GaR aNTIa LIMITaDa Nestlé Nespresso Page Page TSM Success Manual designed and copyright by

C101USTINE1 specifications

Nespresso C101USTINE1 is a remarkable coffee machine designed for coffee enthusiasts who appreciate convenience without compromising on quality. This model showcases the perfect blend of cutting-edge technology and sleek design, making it an attractive addition to any kitchen counter.

One of the standout features of the C101USTINE1 is its unique capsule system. This innovative design allows users to brew a wide variety of coffee types with ease. Nespresso's proprietary capsules ensure consistent flavor and quality with every cup. The machine is compatible with a vast range of coffee blends and styles, from intense espressos to smooth lungos, catering to every individual's taste preferences.

The C101USTINE1 is equipped with a powerful 19-bar pressure pump, which is essential for extracting the rich flavors and aromas from the coffee capsule. This high-pressure system guarantees that the coffee produced is not only robust but also has a rich crema topping, enhancing the overall drinking experience.

Simplicity and user-friendliness are at the core of this coffee machine. With a quick heat-up time of just 25 seconds, users can enjoy their favorite brew almost instantly. The machine features a one-touch operation, allowing for effortless brewing with minimal steps. The adjustable cup size settings let you customize your drink according to your preferences, whether you’re in the mood for a small espresso shot or a larger coffee.

Another key characteristic of the Nespresso C101USTINE1 is its energy-saving capabilities. The machine automatically switches off after nine minutes of inactivity, ensuring that energy consumption is minimized, which is not only good for the environment but also helps reduce electricity bills.

The elegant and compact design of the C101USTINE1 makes it suitable for various kitchen spaces, adding a touch of modern style. Additionally, the easy-to-clean components, such as the removable capsule container and drip tray, make maintenance a breeze.

In summary, the Nespresso C101USTINE1 combines advanced brewing technology, remarkable convenience, and stylish design, making it a top choice for coffee lovers seeking a high-quality machine for everyday use. From its pressure system to user-friendly features and energy efficiency, it stands out in the competitive coffee machine market.