7.Once you have prepared the desired amount of espresso or cappuccino, switch the power button to the off position “O” and unplug the unit. Allow the unit to cool down before removing parts and accessories prior to cleaning.
8.After the unit has cooled down, remove the brew basket from the brew head. Using the retainer clip to secure the filter in the filter holder, turn the brew basket upside down to empty. Rinse the filter and brew basket with water.
9.If you wish to brew additional espresso, repeat the process. Turn the side knob to the off position “ ”, remove the demitasses or jar from under the brew basket and place new and empty ones. Carefully remove the brew basket by holding it with the handle, ensuring to use the filter retention clip to hold the filter and dispose of the grounds. Put fresh coffee in the filter, place the brew basket back underneath the brew head and follow the instructions to brew coffee again (items 3, 5 and 6 from this section).
CAUTION: The metal parts of the brew basket might still be very hot. Make sure to use the filter retainer clip when discarding the grounds. Cool these parts by running under cold water.
10.For cleaning instructions, refer to Page 8.
Cappuccino is espresso topped with steamed and frothed milk. Frothing milk for cappuccino takes practice. Do not be discouraged if it is not perfect the first time. The milk should be half steamed (bottom of pitcher) and half froth (top of pitcher). It may take a few times before you perfect this process.
For best results, we recommend frothing the milk in a separate pitcher and pouring the milk into your coffee. The milk and pitcher should be cold. Do not use a pitcher, which has just been washed in warm water. We also recommend a stainless steel frothing pitcher and a beverage thermometer, if you own one, for preparing the best froth and steamed milk.
1.The first step in making cappuccino is to make espresso. Therefore, fill the water reservoir with cold water. Never use warm or hot water to fill the water reservoir.
2.Follow steps 1 – 6 in the “Brewing Espresso” section.
3.Fill a small stainless steel or ceramic pitcher 1/2 full with cold milk and set next to machine. Skim or 2% milk will be the easiest to froth.
4.You are now ready to froth and steam your milk. Press the red switch to the on position “I”, wait until the ready light “ ” becomes solid green. Hold the pitcher under the frothing
tube (which can be swiveled) so that the tip of the frothing tube is slightly immersed in the milk, press the steam button “ ”. The ready light “ ” will start blinking and once it becomes solid green again turn the side knob clockwise to the steam position “ ”. Gently move the pitcher in a circular motion around the steam nozzle for about 50 seconds (for 4oz, of milk) or longer if warmer milk is desired. REMEMBER: The milk and the pitcher should be very cold prior to frothing.
5.When the milk has doubled in volume, or, if you are using a beverage thermometer, when the milk has reached 38°C (100°F), insert the frothing aid deeper into the milk to further heat the milk. Do not heat milk above 65°C (150°F). To avoid splattering of