Command | Options | Description |
| [ | Causes the file to |
| physically zero out. |
| size [ k m g ] | Specifies the file size in |
| bytes. If appended with |
| k, m or g, the value |
| represents kilobytes, |
| megabytes or gigabytes. |
| filename | Name of the file to |
| create. |
Command | Options | Description |
cvmkfs |
| Initializes a StorNext FS. |
| WARNING: This |
| command destroys any |
| existing file system data |
| for the file system |
| (file_system_name). Use |
| extreme caution when |
| invoking cvmkfs. |
| [ | Bypasses “Press return |
| to continue...” type |
| prompts. |
| [ | Bypasses all verification |
| prompts. |
| WARNING: Use this flag |
| with extreme caution. |
| [ | |
| StorNext FS. |
| file_system_name | Name of the StorNext FS |
| to initialize. |
Command | Options | Description |
cvupdatefs |
| Commits a StorNext FS |
| configuration change. |
| [ | Forces commit of the |
| updated configuration. |
| WARNING: This option |
| skips the confirmation |
| step of cvupdatefs. Use |
| this option with extreme |
| caution. |
| [ FsName ] | Specifies the file system |
| (FsName) to update. |
Command | Options | Description |
| [ FsPath ] | Specifies a path (other |
| than /usr/cvfs/data) to |
| locate file systems. |
Command | Options | Description |
cvversions |
| Displays StorNext client |
| and server versions. |
Windows GUI Commands (c:\cvfs\bin)*
Command | Description | |
| |
cvntadmin.exe | Starts and stops a StorNext FS. | |
| Views and modifies a file system and | |
(StorNext FS Administrator GUI) | stripe group attributes. | |
| Start > Programs > | |
| StorNext FS > File | |
| System Administrator | |
| |
cvcfgadmin.exe | Creates or modifies a StorNext FS | |
| configuration by changing the | |
(StorNext FS Configuration | selected file_system_name.cfg file. | |
Administrator) | This command is only available on | |
| the server where StorNext FS | |
| software is loaded. The command is | |
| not available on StorNext FS client | |
| machines. | |
| Start > Programs > | |
| StorNext FS > Disk | |
| Device Labeler | |
| |
cvntlabel.exe | Labels disk devices for use with a | |
(StorNext FS Disk Device | StorNext FS. | |
Start > Programs > | ||
Labeler) | ||
| StorNext FS > Disk | |
| Device Labeler | |
| |
cvntclnt.exe | Modifies the StorNext FS | |
(StorNext FS | configuration files. | |
Start > Programs > | ||
Configuration) | ||
| StorNext FS > File | |
| System Control | |
| Parameters | |
| |
instsvc.exe | Starts up the background services | |
| needed by StorNext FS. Starts all file | |
(Start StorNext FS Services) | systems configured for | |
| Start > Programs > | |
| StorNext FS > Start File | |
| System Services | |
Command | Description |
rmsvc.exe | Stops all StorNext FSs and shuts |
| down background services needed |
(Stop StorNext FS Services) | by StorNext FS. |
| Start > Programs > |
| StorNext FS > Stop File |
| System Services |
*Valid path if upgrading to StorNext FS 2.6 from a previous version. If installing StorNext FS 2.6 as an initial installation, the path is: c:\snfs\bin.
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