Whenusingelectricmaterialitisimportanttoens | uretheappropriate | |||
precautions are adopted in order to avoid electric |
| shock, accidents | ||
anddamagetopersonsandthings. |
| |
∙ Thoroughly read all information contained in | this manual and in any | |||
| otherattachmentincludedinthepacking. |
| |
∙ | Ensurethatthepowersupplyvoltageindicatedont | hedataplateofthe | ||
| machineiscompatiblewiththeonefromyourpower | supplyoutlet. | ||
∙ | Takespecialcarewhileusingthemachineinthepr | esenceofchildren. | ||
∙ | Verify that the main switch of the machine is not p | ressed before | ||
| pluggingorunpluggingthepowersupplyplug. |
| |
∙ Unplug the power supply plug from the power outlet | and wait for the | |||
| machine to cool down before starting any maintenanc | e or cleaning | ||
| operations. |
∙Do not use the machine when one or more components aredamagedor missing(powersupplycable,plug,switches,etc.). Getthemachinetobe checkedorrepairedatthenearestservicecentre.
∙Theuseofaccessoriesthatarenotrecommendedby themanufacturer
cancausedamagetopersonsorthings. |
∙ Do not immerse the machine in any kind of liquid; d |
| o not clean it with |
any strong detergents. It is sufficient to use a so |
| ft cloth soaked in |
warmwater. |
∙ To avoid shortcircuits and/or electric shocks keep | away from the | |
machineliquidsthatmayaccidentallybespilledov | erthemachine. |
In case of doubt or should the instructions in this manual not be clear enough, do not hesitate to ask for clarification from the supplier, an authorised service centre or directly from the manufacturer.
- 3 -
Make sure to implement all necessary precautions to | avoid contact of the |
machine with liquids. Liquids can seep inside the m | achine and cause short |
circuitsorenergiseexternalpartsofthemachine. |
The machine is intended for adult persons informed | on its operation, to be |
usedinasensible,consciousandcarefulmanner(s | houldthemachinebeused |
byotherpersons,werecommendtomakethisbooklet | availabletothem). |
Itisintendedforindooruseonly. |
Themachineisintendedexclusivelyfordispensing | hotdrinksthroughtheuse |
ofsuitablegranulatedsolubleproducts. |
Do not make any changes, and do not use the machine | improperly or for a |
purposedifferentfromtheoneforwhichitwasdes | igned. |
Afteropeningthepackingensurethatthemachinei sintactandcheckthatall
ofthemainpartsareincluded(refertothefigure sinthefollowingpages). Plasticbags,polystyrene,nailsetc.arepotential sourcesofdanger,therefore
theymustnotbeleftunattendedorwithinthereac hofchildren.
Themachinemustbepositionedonalevel,solidan dstablesurface,awayfrom
heatsources.Ensureafreespaceatthesidesand atthebackofthemachine ofatleast20cm.
There must be sufficient free space to allow the operator to have access to the machine in the event of malfunctions.
Chooseahygienicandwelllitroomwithaneasyto accesspoweroutlet.
∙Check that the power supply voltage of the machine is the same as the one of the power supply outlet.
∙The power supply outlet must be conforming to the plug of the machine, sized to meet the characteristics indicated on the data plate of the machine and connected to an efficient earth circuit.