Using Your Brewer
Brewing Over Ice
Prepare Your Cup
Fill a 16 oz. plastic cup with ice. Do not use glass. Remove the Drip Tray if necessary and place cup under the Brew Head.
Choose Vue® Pack
Make sure your Vue® pack features the Brew Over Ice Icon.
Lift the Handle, insert the Vue® pack into the Holder and lower the Handle.
Using Your Brewer
What is a Cleansing Brew?
After brewing certain Vue® pack varieties such as hot cocoa, iced tea or a café beverage, we recommend performing a cleansing brew as follows:
Step 1 Take a used Vue® pack and peel off the lid. Discard |
the lid and any filter which adheres to it. Ensure the | Step 1 |
empty Vue® pack cup is clean. | |
Step 2 Place the EMPTY Vue® pack cup in the brewer and |
place a mug on the Drip Tray. |
Step 3 Lower the Handle, then press “BREW.” The brewer |
will dispense 8 oz. of hot water into your mug. |
Once complete, discard the water and carefully |
remove the Vue® pack cup. The cleansing is |
complete. |
Stopping the Brewing Process |
| |
If you need to stop the brewing process after it has started, | Step 2 | |
press and release the Power Button to turn the brewer off. | ||
| ||
The beverage flow will stop and the brewer will shut off. |
Available Sizes*
Select Beverage Type & Size
Select the “Brew Over Ice” button. The Touchscreen will display as pictured.
Select the desired beverage type.
Select your beverage size using the + and - buttons at the bottom of the Touchscreen.
*Available sizes for Iced Coffee and Iced Tea/Other are 6 oz., 8 oz. and 10 oz.
*Available sizes for Iced Café are 6 oz. and 8 oz.
& Enjoy!
Do not remove mug or lift the Handle until “Enjoy!” appears on the Touchscreen.
Remove the Vue® pack after brewing is complete.
The Vue® pack will be hot after brewing. Use caution when removing. Allow it to cool completely before handling.
The Vue® pack will be hot after brewing. Use caution when removing. Allow it to cool completely before handling.
When turning the brewer back on, place an empty mug on the Drip Tray and press the Power Button. Since the previous brew was interrupted, some water may drip into the mug during preheating.
We recommend that you perform a cleansing brew before preparing your next beverage (see above). If this is not
done, the brewer may deliver an additional amount ofStep 3 water for your next beverage.
Dispensing Hot Water
If you need hot water for cooking (instant soup or oatmeal, for example), place a cup or bowl below the Brew Head. Place your cup or bowl as far back as possible. Lift and lower the Handle WITHOUT inserting a Vue® pack. Select your desired cup size and then press “BREW.” The brewer will dispense hot water into your cup or bowl.