5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 |
13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 |
5)MIX BALANCED OUTPUT. Left and Right MIX outputs intended to feed a 2 track tape machine, DAT or A to D converter. These are transformer balanced Pin 2 hot. This is the mix of all 16 channels plus EXT inputs. The MIX control is the final level control for these outputs. All outputs MUTE during power up/down or if the MIX MUTE button is selected.
6)MIX UNBALANCED OUTPUT. Left and Right MIX outputs intended to feed a 2 track tape machine, DAT or A to D converter. These are transformerless unbalanced tip hot. In general one can use these to drive a balanced input or unbalanced input. The ring of the TRS jack is grounded via a resistor that provides an impedance equal to the tip which ensures good common mode rejection. It is possible that either the balanced and especially the unbalanced output may be capable of overdriving the input of the receiving device due to the extreme headroom that a good tube linedriver can provide (+37 dBu !). Either the balanced or unbalanced outputs can be used to chain mixers for twice as many channels but the unbalanced TRS allows for simpler wiring into the next mixers EXT inputs. SOLO chaining is done by connecting a wire from the SOLO terminals.
7)MONITOR XLRs. These XLRs are the MAIN MONITOR sends intended to feed power amps or powered speakers. Wired unbalanced pin 2 hot but balanced Z to allow connections to balanced or unbalanced inputs. These MUTE when MINI or MONITOR MUTE is selected and during a power- up and power down delay to prevent thumps into the speakers.
8)MINI MONITOR TRS. These jacks are the MINI MONITOR sends intended to feed power amps or powered speakers. Essentially they allow one to use two sets of speakers or more convenient cables. Wired unbalanced TIP hot but balanced Z to allow connections to balanced or unbalanced inputs. These MUTE when MINI is not selected or MONITOR MUTE is selected and during a