Kenmore 721.63659, 721.63654, 721.63653 Master ProtectionAgreements AcuerdosMaestrosde proteccibn

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Master ProtectionAgreements AcuerdosMaestrosde proteccibn

Congratulations on making a smart purchase. Your new Kenmore® product is designed and manufactured for years of dependable operation. But like all products, it may require preventive maintenance or repairfrom time to time.

That'swhen having a Master Protection Agreement can save you money and aggravation.

Purchase a Master Protection Agreement now and protect yourself from unexpected hassle

and expense.

The Master Protection Agreement also helps extend the life of your new product. Here's

what'sincluded in the Agreement:

5( Expert service by our 12,000 professional repair


5( Unlimited service and no charge for parts and labor on all covered repairs

5( "No-lemon" guarantee - replacement of your

covered product if four or more product failures occur within twelve months

5( Product replacement if your covered product can't be fixed

5( Annual Preventive Maintenance Check at your

request - no extra charge

5( Fast help by phone - phone support from a Sears technician on products requiring in-home repair, plus convenient repair scheduling

5( Power surge protection against electrical damage due to bower fluctuations

5( Rental reimbursement if repair of your covered product takes longer than promised

Once you purchase the Agreement, a simple phone call is all that it takes for you to schedule service.

You can call anytime day or night, or schedule a service appointment online.

Sears has over 12,000 professional repair specialists, who have access to over 4.5 million quality parts and accessories. That'sthe kind of professionalism you can count on to help prolong the life of your new purchase for years to come. Purchase your Master Protection Agreement today!

Some limitations and exclusions apply. For prices and additional information call 1-800-827-6655.

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Felicitacionespor haber hecho una compra inteligente Su nuevoproductoKenmore® est_ disefiadoy fabricado paraafios de operaci6nsegura.

Perocomotodo producto,puedenecesitarmantenimiento preventivoo reparacionescada ciertotiempo.Es alli cuandoel tener un AcuerdoMaestrode protecci6nle puede ahorrardinerooevitar quela falla empeore.

Adquiera un AcuerdoMaestrode pmtecci6nahore y resgu&rdesede cualquiermolestiao gastos inesperados.

El Contratode Protecci6nMaestroayuda tambi_nextender

]a vida de su nuevo producto. Estasson los aspectos inclu[dosenel Contrato:

5( Servicioexperto, Ilevadoa cabo porcualquierade

nuestros 12.000profesionalesespecialistasen reparaciones.

5( Servicio ilimitado y sin cargoalguno, pot las piezaso per el trabajoen toda ]asreparacionescubiertas pot el Acuerdo.

5( Garantia de "No-Lemon" - cambiode su producto cubiertosi ocurre m&sde cuatroo masfallasal

productodentrode doce primerosmeses.

5( Reemplazodel producto si su esteaseguradono


5( Control anual de mantenimiento preventivo a pedido suyosin cargo extra.

5( Ayuda r_pida via tel6fonico - Soportetelef6nicode un t6cnicode Sears sobre los productosque so requiere de reparaciSnen casa, m&sla programaci6n convenientede servicio.

5( Proteccibncontra sobrecargael_ctrica,por dafios

el6ctricoscausadosperfluctuacionesdecorriente. 5( Reembolsode alquiler si la reparaci6ndel producto

aseguradotoma m_stiempode Io prometido.

Una vezque ha compradoel Acuerdo,una simpleIlamada telef6nicaes todo Io que letomar_ paraagendarun servicio. PuedeIlamara cualquierheradel dfa o de la nocheo hacerun compromisede atenci6nportel_fono.

Searstiene m_s de 12,000profesionalesespecialistasen reparacionesque tienenacceso a m&sdo 4.5 millonesde piezasdo calidady accesorios.Esa es la clasede profesionalismocon la que puedeustedcontar paraayudar a prolongarla vida do su nuevaadquisici6nen los aries por venir, iSuscribaya un AcuerdoMaestrodo protecci6nt

Se aplican algunas limitaciones y exclusiones.Por preciose informaci6nadicionalIlame al 1-800-827-6655.

Servicio de instalacibn Sears

Parala instalaci6nprofesionalde Sears de los aparatosdel hogar,dispositivosdeaperturade la puertadel garaje, calentadoresdoagua, y otros itemsprincipalesdel hogar, Ilameonlos EstadosUnidosa 1-800-4-MY-HOME®.


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Contents VJI Microwave Hood Combination ContentsYour safety and the safety of others are very important Microwave Oven SafetyImportant Safety Equipment grounding terminal or lead on the microwave oven System, or an equipment groundingGetting to Know Your Microwave Oven Testing your microwave ovenHow your microwave oven works Radio interferenceElectrical connection Operating safety precautionsMicrowave oven features Control panel features Touch this pad to turn the light on Favorite Recipe Interrupting CookingStart To set Child LockCooktop Light Kitchen TimerExhaust FAN Turntable ON/OFFExpress Defrost PowerADD Minute Timed CookingFunction Result ExampleTo changedefrostweightmode from KgMULTI-STAGE Cooking Cook Power Microwave Power Levels100% of full power High When to USE ITAuto Defrost Weight conversion tableFood Touch Can SETAuto Defrost Table Food Setting AT Beep Beef Special InstructionsMeat LambSetting AT Beep Food Setting ChickenCornish Hens Turn over. Separate fillets whenExample To usethe holdwarm Defrosting TipsHold Warm Potato Example Sensor CookingMORE/LESS Sensor Cooking GuideCategory Direction Amount Sensor Cooking TableDinner Plate EntreeFood categodes Casserole, Rice, Bacon and Hot Cereal Auto Cook Auto ReheatRice Category Touch PAD Direction NumberSensor BaconCaring for Your Microwave Oven To clean turntable and turntable support, washRack must not touch metal walls or back of microwave oven To avoid risk of property damageGrease filter Caring for the FiltersBe damaged Charcoal filterCooktop light Replacing the Cooktop and Oven LightsPage Microwave Cooking Tips Cooking you should not do in your microwave oven Removing the rackQuestionsanswers Questions and AnswersProblemcause Problem CauseMicrowave Oven does not Work Cooking TimesCause ProblemTurntable Page Funciones del panel de control Usar su horno de microondas Para los mejores ResultadosAudibles Sugerencias para la cocina enDejado caer Seguridad del horno de microondasSu seguridad y la seguridad de los otros son muy importante Importantes Instrucciones de Seguridad Para un artefacto permanentemente conectado Requisitos eldctricosComo trabaja su horno de microondas Aprender a conocer su horno de microondasInterferencia de radio Para los mejores resultadosConexibn El ctrica Probar su vajilla o bateria de cocinaPrecauciones de seguridad operativa Rejilla de ventilacibn Caracteristicas del horno de microondasSoporte EjeFunciones del panel de control Para agregar un minuto extra a la Potencia de cocci6n Reloj Senales AU DitivasInterrumpir LA Coccion Proteccion DE Seguridad Para NinosCronometro DE COClNA Receta Favo RitaVentilador DE Extraccin LUZ Superior DE COClNAAgregar Minuto Bandeja Giratoria ON/OFFDescongelamiento Rapido Coccin CronometradaVea la tabla siguiente para mayor informaci6n Coccion EN Etapas MoltiplesFancibn Resultado EjemploParacambiarla unidedde medidadel pesoPotencia DE Coccin Nombre Cuando Usarla Niveles DE Potencia MicroondaTabla de conversibn de peso Descongelamiento AutomaticoAmmento Toque Pesos QUE Puede DeterminarCarne Tabla DE Descongelamiento AutomaticoDescongelacion CorderoAlimentos PRO Seiial Acustica Gramar Pescado GallinasFiletes DescongeladosHomo Siemprerompaperforelasbolsasplsticasoenvolturas Sugerenciasparadescongelamientomantener CalienteCuandoelalimentocomienzadescongelarse,separarelos NotasPapas Ejemplo Sensor DE CoccinMAS/MENOS Ejemplo Para cocinar papas patatasCategoria Direcciones Cantidad Cuadro DE Cocci N DEL SensorRecalentamiento Automatico Coccin AutomaticaEjemplo Para cocinar arroz Elija una categoria de alimentoTocarelpad Direcciones Cantidad Numero Cuadro DE Cocci N AutomaticaCuadro DE Recalentamiento Placa giratoria de Cristal Cuidar su horno de microondasNota Utilisation DE Lagrille MetalliqueFUtro de grasa Filtro de carbbn Cuidado DE LOS FiltrosLuz del homo La luz de la parte superior para la cocina CooktopSoporte DE Bombilla Composicidn de los alimentos Temperaturade iniciode la preparaci6nTamafio y forma Revolver, dar vuelta los alimentosUso de la hoja de papel de Sugerencias Para LA Cocina EN SU MicroondaLo que no se debe cocinar en su horno de microondas Remover el separadorVapordeestemodo,atrav6sde losagujerosdeventilacion PreguntasRespuestas Problema Causa Solucibn de problemasProblemacausa EL Horno DE Microondas no FuncionaBandeja Giratoria ProblemaMensajes CausaProteccibncontra sobrecargaelctrica,por dafios Master ProtectionAgreements AcuerdosMaestrosde proteccibnSears Parts & Repair Center Iii OurTo purchase a protectionagreement U.S.A Canada

721.63652, 721.63653, 721.63659, 721.63654 specifications

The Kenmore 721 series, comprising models 721.63654, 721.63659, 721.63653, and 721.63652, represents a popular line of over-the-range microwaves that blend versatility, efficiency, and style. Ideal for any kitchen environment, these models boast a variety of features aimed at enhancing cooking convenience and improving overall user experience.

One standout feature across the Kenmore 721 series is their spacious capacity. With up to 1.8 cubic feet of interior space, these microwaves can easily accommodate larger dishes, making meal preparation for families or gatherings a less daunting task. This spaciousness is complemented by a turntable that ensures even heating and cooking of food, preventing cold spots and ensuring thorough results.

In terms of power, the Kenmore 721 series offers impressive wattage, typically around 1000 watts. This high power output results in quicker cooking times, allowing users to prepare meals efficiently. Furthermore, the different power levels provide options for various cooking needs, whether it be reheating leftovers, defrosting meats, or cooking fresh vegetables.

User-friendly controls are another highlight of these microwaves. Equipped with a digital display and intuitive button controls, users can easily navigate through the settings and options. Preset cooking functions for items like popcorn, pizza, and beverages simplify the cooking process, making it easier for anyone to achieve perfect results.

In addition to efficiency, the Kenmore 721 microwaves are designed with aesthetics in mind. Their sleek, modern appearance, available in stainless steel or other finishes, ensures they fit seamlessly with most kitchen decors. The over-the-range design also serves a dual purpose, providing valuable additional space above the cooktop while integrating a powerful ventilation system to remove smoke and odors from the kitchen during cooking.

Advanced technologies, such as sensor cooking, are incorporated into these models. This feature automatically adjusts cooking time and power levels based on the humidity levels detected within the microwave, ensuring that food is cooked perfectly every time.

Safety is also a priority, with features such as child lock functionality, which prevents unsupervised use. Moreover, easy-to-clean surfaces and removable filters contribute to maintaining hygiene and operational efficiency.

Overall, the Kenmore 721.63654, 721.63659, 721.63653, and 721.63652 microwaves represent a sophisticated solution for modern cooking, enriching culinary experiences while making everyday kitchen tasks simpler and more enjoyable.