ThefollowingchartisaconvenientchecklistforhandlingminorperformanceproblemsGooverthislistbefore. callingforserviceIfyouareunableto. solveyourdishwasher'sproblem,pleasesee"TroubleshootingIfyou."
Food soil left on dishes
Spotting and filming
Improper loading
Water temperature is too low
Use of incorrect,
too little, or ineffective detergent
Detergent cakes in dispenser
Pump or spray arm clogged by labels from bottles and cans
Low water pressure caused by insufficient fill
Slowdown of wash arm due to high suds
Hard water or high mineral content in water
Water temperature is too low
Use of incorrect detergents
Incorrect amount of detergent
Use of ineffective detergents
Follow loading instructions on pages
Use the Water Heat option.. If needed, turn home water heater up to ensure water entering dishwasher is 120°F (49°C) minimum See "Water temperature tips" on page 12.
Use recommended dishwasher detergents onlyo Follow recommendations on page 11 for amounts; never use less than 1 tablespoon per load. Deter- gent must be fresh to be effective. Always store detergent in a cool, dry area.
Use fresh detergent only. Do not allow detergent to sit for several hours in a wet dispenser. Check dispenser for caked detergent° Clean dispenser when caked detergent is present.
Remove labels before washing bottles and cans or wash by hand° See page 18.
Home water pressure should be 20 to 120 pounds per square inch (psi) for proper dishwasher fill. A booster pump on the water supply may be neces- sary if pressure is too low.
Never use soap or laundry detergents. Use recom- mended dishwasher detergents only.
Conditioning the final rinse water with a liquid rinse agent helps eliminate spotting and filming. Keep the dispenser full with a rinse agent at ail times.
Use the Water Heat option, if available.. If needed, turn home water heater up to ensure water entering dishwasher is 120°F (49°C) minimum. See "Water temperature tips" on page 12.
Use recommended dishwasher detergents oniy
Follow recommendations on page 11 for amount, Heavy soil and/or hard water generally require extra detergent.
Detergent should be fresh. Store in a cool, dry place, preferably in an airtight container. Discard lumpy detergent..
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