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Image 11
Contents Rice Cooker English Intended use Parts IdentificationExtension cables & class 1 product Safety of othersElectrical safety Inspection and repairsUse Cooking Rice Specific safety requirements for Rice CookersBefore first use Steaming Cleaning and maintenanceRice / Water Measurement Chart Technical DataBlack & Decker Home Appliance 2 Year Warranty Arabic ¿ÉeC’G äGOÉTQEG AGõLC’G ∞jôJ¡UEÕGh ¢Ÿ‘¯dG ¿jNBÕG ‡eî¡S¥ÉüàdÓd πHÉ≤dG ÒZ AÓ£dG ¢TóîJ ÁæNÉS ¿ôa ‘ hCG »FÉHô¡cƑmàùe í£S ¥ƒa ∂dPΩGóîàS’G óH ÒîÑàdGNames & Addresses for Black & Decker Service Concessionaries Uzl∞∂« ´Mu«Ê Ë ßr≈ «ùßr¥bÍ∞∂« d±e∞«

RC1820 specifications

The Black & Decker RC1820 is an innovative rice cooker that seamlessly combines convenience and efficiency for today’s busy kitchens. This versatile appliance not only cooks rice to perfection but also offers a range of functionalities that makes meal preparation easier.

One of the standout features of the RC1820 is its capacity. With the ability to prepare up to 18 cups of cooked rice, it is perfect for meal prepping or feeding large families. This generous size ensures that you have plenty of rice for various dishes, whether it's a casual family dinner or a special gathering.

The RC1820 utilizes a one-touch operation, which simplifies the cooking process. Users only need to select their desired rice type and press a button, allowing them to engage in other activities while the rice cooks. A smart built-in microprocessor automatically adjusts cooking time and temperature for optimal results, ensuring consistently fluffy and tender rice each time.

Another notable characteristic of the RC1820 is its keep-warm function. Once the rice has finished cooking, the cooker automatically switches to keep-warm mode, maintaining the ideal serving temperature for an extended period without overcooking. This feature guarantees that meals are ready when you are, providing flexibility during busy meal times.

The non-stick inner pot is designed for easy cleaning, which is a significant advantage for those looking to minimize kitchen cleanup. Additionally, the removable lid and inner pot are dishwasher safe, allowing for hassle-free maintenance.

Safety is another priority with the Black & Decker RC1820. It has a steam vent that helps prevent pressure buildup while cooking, and it features a sturdy handle that remains cool to the touch, allowing for easy handling, even when hot.

In summary, the Black & Decker RC1820 rice cooker is an excellent addition to any kitchen, designed with user-friendly features, safety, and versatility in mind. Its sizable capacity, advanced cooking technology, ease of cleaning, and reliable accuracy make it a popular choice for both novice and experienced cooks. Whether you are a rice lover or someone exploring various culinary possibilities, the RC1820 is sure to deliver satisfying and delicious results every time.