Craftsman 247.28919 manual Your Warranty Rights and Obligations

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MTDConsumerGroupInc,the UnitedStatesEnvironmentalProtectionAgency (EPA),and, forthose productscertifiedfor sale in the stateof California,the CaliforniaAir ResourcesBoard(CARB)are pleasedto explainthe emission(evaporativeand/or exhaust)controlsystem(ECS) warrantyon youroutdoor2006 andlater smalloff-roadspark-ignitedengine andequipment(outdoorequipmentengine)In California,new outdoorequipmentengines mustbe designed,built and equippedto meetthe State'sstringentanti-smogstandards(in otherstates, 1997andlater modelyear equipmentmustbe designed,built, and equippedto meet theU.S. EPAsmalloff-road, sparkignitionengine regulations.MTDConsumerGroupInc mustwarrantthe ECSon your outdoorequipmentenginefor the periodof timelisted belowprovidedtherehas been no abuse, neglector impropermaintenanceof outdoorequipmentengine.

Your ECSmayincludeparts such as thecarburetor,fuel-injectionsystem,the ignitionsystem,catalyticconverter,fuel tanks,fuel lines,fuel caps,valves,canisters, filters,vapor hoses,clamps,connectors,andotherassociatedemission-relatedcomponents.

Wherea warrantableconditionexists, MTDConsumerGroupIncwill repairyouroutdoorequipmentengine at no cost to you includingdiagnosis,parts and labor.


Thisemissioncontrolsystemis warrantedfor two years. If any emission-relatedpart on your outdoorequipmentengine is defective,the part will be repairedor replacedby MTDCONSUMERGROUPINC.


Asthe outdoorequipmentengineowner,you are responsiblefor performanceof the requiredmaintenancelisted inyour owner'smanual.MTDConsumerGroup Inc recommendsthat you retain all receiptscoveringmaintenanceon youroutdoorequipmentengine,butMTDConsumerGroupInc cannotdeny warrantysolely forthe lackof receipts.

Asthe outdoorequipmentengineowner,you shouldhoweverbe awarethat MTDConsumerGroupInc maydenyyou warrantycoverageif your outdoorequipment engineor a part has faileddue to abuse, neglect,or impropermaintenanceor unapprovedmodifications.

Youare responsiblefor presentingyouroutdoorequipmentengineto MTDConsumerGroupInc'sdistributioncenterorservicecenteras soon asthe problem exists.The warrantyrepairsshouldbe completedin a reasonableamountof time, notto exceed30 days. If you havea questionregardingyour warrantycoverage, you shouldcontactthe MTDConsumerGroupIncService Departmentat 1-800-800-7310orvia emailat


MTDConsumerGroupIncwarrantsto the ultimatepurchaserand eachsubsequentpurchaserthat theoutdoorequipmentengine is: Designed,built and equipped so asto conformwithall applicableregulations;and freefrom defects in materialsand workmanshipthatcausethe failureof a warrantedpart to be identicalin all materialrespectsto that part as describedin MTDConsumerGroup Inc'sapplicationfor certification.

The warrantyperiodbeginson thedate theoutdoorequipmentengine is deliveredto an ultimate purchaserorfirst placedinto service.The warrantyperiodis two years.

Subjectto certain conditionsand exclusionsasstated below,the warrantyon emission-relatedparts is asfollows:

1.Any warrantedpart that is notscheduledfor replacementas requiredmaintenancein thewritten instructionssupplied, is warrantedforthe warrantyperiod statedabove. Ifthe part fails duringthe periodof warrantycoverage,thepart will be repairedor replacedbyMTDConsumerGroupInc accordingto subsection

(4) below. Anysuch part repairedor replacedunderwarrantywillbe warrantedfor the remainderof the period.

2.Any warrantedpart that is scheduledonly for regularinspectionin the writteninstructionssupplied is warrantedforthe warrantyperiodstatedabove.Any such part repairedor replacedunderwarrantywill be warrantedforthe remainingwarrantyperiod.

3.Any warrantedpart that is scheduledfor replacementas requiredmaintenancein thewritten instructionssuppliedis warrantedfor the periodof timebeforethe first scheduledreplacementdatefor that part. If the partfails beforethefirst scheduledreplacement,the part will be repairedor replacedby MTDConsumer GroupInc accordingto subsection(4) below.Any such part repairedor replacedunderwarrantywill be warrantedfor the remainderof the periodprior to the first scheduledreplacementpointfor the part.

4.Repairor replacementof any warrantedpart underthe warrantyprovisionshereinmustbe performedat a warrantystationat no chargeto the owner.

5.Notwithstandingthe provisionsherein,warrantyservicesor repairswill be providedat all of our distributioncentersthatare franchisedto servicethe subject enginesor equipment.

6.The outdoorequipmentengine ownerwill notbe chargedfor diagnostic laborthat is directlyassociatedwithdiagnosisof a defective,emission-relatedwar- rantedpart, providedthat suchdiagnosticwork is performedat a warrantystation.

7.MTDConsumerGroupInc is liablefor damagesto otherengine or equipmentcomponentsproximatelycausedby a failure underwarrantyof any warranted part.

8.Throughoutthe off-roadengineand equipmentwarrantyperiodstatedabove, MTDConsumerGroupInc will maintaina supplyof warrantedparts sufficientto meetthe expecteddemandfor such parts.

9.Any replacementpart maybe usedinthe performanceof any warrantymaintenanceor repairsand mustbe providedwithoutchargeto the owner.Suchuse will notreducethe warrantyobligationsof MTDConsumerGroupInc.

10.Add-onor modifiedpartsthat are notexemptedbythe Air ResourcesBoardmaynot be used.The use of any non-exemptedadd-on or modifiedparts by the ultimatepurchaserwill be groundsfor disallowinga warrantyclaims. MTDConsumerGroup Incwill notbe liableto warrantfailuresof warrantedparts caused bythe use of a non-exemptedadd-onor modifiedpart.

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Contents IRnFrSMRN Am = 7 pm CT, Mort. =SunCraftsman Full Warranty Dateof PurchaseCalifornia Proposition General OperationFollowthe manufacturersrecommendationsfor wheelweights Slope OperationMufflerandenginebecomehotandcan causea burn.Do not touch Do NotSafeHandlingof Gasoline ServiceTowing Safeworkingcondition Do not Modify EngineSpark Arrestor Safety Symbols Read the OperatorsmanualsSlope GuidePage California Proposition Tire Pressure Meets ANSi Safety Standards Seat Adjustment Lever Parking Brake Lever AUTO-DRIVE PedalDeck Lift Lever PTO Blade Engage LeverSafety Interlock System GAS and OIL FILL-UPThegasolinetank is locatedunderthe hood.Do notoverfill Avoid Serious Injury or DeathEngaging the Parking Brake Avoidsuddenstarts,excessivespeedand suddenstops Starting the EngineStopping the Engine Using the Deck Lift Lever MowingEngaging the Blades MulchingMaintenance Schedule Beforeperforminganytypeof maintenance/service,disengageallControlsandstoptheengine.Waituntilallmovingpartshavecometo Air filterEngine Maintenance Checking the Engine OilAir Cleaner Fuel FilterLubrication MufflerPivot Points & Linkage Front AxlesLeveling the Deck Cleaning the Engine and DeckAdjustments Cutting Deck Removal Removethebelt C fromaroundthetractorsPTOpulley.See FigTires Jump StartingCharging Othergas appliances.J Land heed ts warnngsFuse Cutting BladesChanging the Deck Belt SeeFigParking Brake Adjustment Changing the Transmission DriveBelt Belt GuardIfusingafuel stabilizer Preparing the EnginePreparing the Lawn Tractor Reconnectthe fuel lineandrunthe engineuntil it startstoNeed More HELP? DOT Craftsman Model Description Craftsman IViodel 738-04237A Craftsman IViodel683-04155A-0637 Shaft,Lift 712-04065 41\ Model 2S\ 726-0201 Craftsman IViodel Ref, I Description 712-02716428 Ref, I Part No 17962Craftsman IViodel 983-04525 200 Craftsman Engine Model 331777-1372-G2For ModelEngine Model 331777=1372=G2 For Model247.28919 868 @Craftsman Engine IViodel 331777-1372-G2For Model 6o1T Craftsman Engine Model 331777=1372=G2 For Model6o1 474i Craftsman Engine IViodel 331777-1372-G2 For IViodelCraftsman Engine Model 331777-1372=G2For Model Description544 Craftsman Engine Model 331777-1372-G2For Model Page Page Moderate GDOC-100182RevBThispageapplicableinthe U.S.A.and Canadaonly Sears Emission Control Defects Warranty CoverageSears Emission Control Defects Warranty Provisions Your Warranty Rights and Obligations Warranted Parts Page Atrasados Funcionaiviiento General IGUARIE EstasinstruccionesNo haga Io siguiente Funcionamiento EN PendientesHaga Io siguiente Reiviolque Manejo seguro de la gasolinaGuardachispas No Modifique EL MotorAviso Referido a Emisiones Sivibolos DE Seguridad LEA EL Manuals DEL OperadorGUiA DE Pendiente Advertencia Labateria+conel pernoy tuercahexagonalVeaselafigura1 Conexion DE LOS Cables DE LA BateriaQUE UNE EL Volante COLOCACI6N DE LA Sede Presion DE LAS LlantasPalancadel frenode estacionamiento Aceleradory palancadecontroldeChokePortavasos De VelocidadIgnition Switch Acelerador Y Palanca DE Control DEModule Levante LA Palanca DE LA CubiLA Palanca DE Carga DE Aceite Y GasolinaAceite Lea el manual del o eradorPara los modelos de California Reverse Mode PrecaucionSistenia DE Bloqueo DE Seguridad Ajuste DE LA Altura DE Corte Paro DEL MotorLA Conduccion DEL Tractor Arranque DEL MotorUSO DE LA Cubierta DE Levante LA Palanca DE Conduccicn EN LAS LaderasInvolucrar a LOS Blades Cortar FarosPlataforrna Eldepuradordelfiltrode aireFiltrode aire Pivotey ejesMantenimiento DEL Motor FTira reactivaDrenajede aceite de rnanga Filtrode aceiteParacambiarel filtro de combustible Limpiador DE AireParadrenar el combustible Limpieza DEL Motor LubricacionCarburador de ajuste Elcarburadoren estemotorno esajustable BateriaLimpieza DE LAS Maquinas Y LA Cubi Erta AjustesDelante a arras Afioje,perono Ioquite,eltornillohexagonalde la izquierdaPlataforma DE Corte DE Eliminacion Bow-TieClipPT0 Cable NeumaticosEL Arranque Cuchillas DE Corte CargaFusible DE Caivibiar LA Correa DE Cubierta FiguraPREPARACI6N DEL Motor EL Drenaje DE LOS CombustiblesPREPARACI6N DE LA Tractor DE Cesped Tibleen lineaquese encuentracercadel motorManage Home GDOC-100182Rev.A Esta p.ginase aplica s61oen EE.UU. y Canada SUS Derechos Y Obligaciones EN Cuanto a LA Garantja Piezas Garantizadas Continuaci6nsedetallanlos puntosincluidosenel Acuerdo Servicio de instalaci6nde SearsRiding Equipment questions or problems?