Craftsman 247.28919 manual Engaging the Parking Brake

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Useextremecautionwhileoperatingthetractorin the REVERSE CAUTIONMODE.Alwayslookdownand behindbeforeandwhile backing.Do notoperatethe tractorwhenchildrenor othersare around.Stopthe tractorimmediatelyif someoneentersthe area.

The REVERSECAUTIONMODEpositionof the keyswitchmodule allowsthe tractorto beoperatedin reversewiththe blades(PTO) engaged.

iMPORTANT: Mowingin reverseisnot recommended. Touse the REVERSECAUTIONMODE:

iMPORTANT: The operatorMUSTbeseatedinthe tractorseat.

1.Startengineas instructedunderthe headingStartingThe Engine laterin thissection.

2.Turnthe keyfromthe NORMALMO%NG (Green)positionto the REVERSECAUTIONMODE(Yellow)positionof the keyswitch module.SeeFigure8.

3.Depressthe REVERSEPUSHBUTTON(Orange,Triangular Button)at the top,rightcornerof the keyswitchmodule.The red indicatorlight at the top,leftcornerof the keyswitchmodulewill beON whileactivated.SeeFigure8.


Reverse "_












- Normal














Figure 8

4.Onceactivated(indicatorlightON),the tractorcan bedrivenin reversewiththe cuttingblades(PTO)engaged.

5.Alwayslookdownand behindbeforeandwhilebackingto make surenochildrenarearound.

6.Afterresumingforwardmotion,returnthe keyto the NORMAL MOWINGposition.

iMPORTANT: The REVERSECAUTIONMODEwill remainactivated until:

a.Thekeyis placedin eitherthe NORMALMOWINGposition orSTOPposition.

Theoperatorengagesthe parkingbrakeby fullydepressing the clutch-brakepedalandholdingit downwhilemovingthe speedcontrolleverintothe PARKBRAKEposition.


To engage the parking brake:

1.Fullydepressthe clutch-brakepedaland hold itdownwithyour foot.

2.Movethe speedcontrolleverall the waydownand intothe parkingbrakeposition.

3.Releasethe clutch-brakepedalto allowthe parkingbraketo engage.

To release the parking brake:

1.Depressthe clutch-brakepedaland movethe speedcontrollever out of the parkingbrakepositionand intoadesiredspeed.


1.Selectthe heightpositionof the cuttingdeckby placingthe deck liftleverin anyof the sixdifferentcutting heightnotchesonthe rightsideof the fender.

2.Adjustthe deck wheelssothattheyarebetween1A-inchand Y2-inchabovethe groundwhenthe tractoris ona smooth,fiat surfacesuchas a driveway.

To adjust Deck Wheels:

1.Removethe flangelocknuton the shoulderbolt securingthe deckwheel.

2.Positionthe wheelto thedesiredheightas listedabove.

3.Securethe shoulderboltwiththe flangelocknut.

Keephandsandfeetawayfromthe dischargeopeningof the cutting deck.

NOTE: Thedeckwheelsarean anti-scalpfeatureof the deckand are notdesignedto supportthe weightof the cuttingdeck. Referto Levelingin the Maintenance& Servicesectionof thismanualfor more detailedinstructionsregardingvariousdeckadjustments.


Image 15
Contents Am = 7 pm CT, Mort. =Sun IRnFrSMRNDateof Purchase Craftsman Full WarrantyGeneral Operation California PropositionDo Not Followthe manufacturersrecommendationsfor wheelweightsSlope Operation Mufflerandenginebecomehotandcan causea burn.Do not touchService TowingSafeHandlingof Gasoline Do not Modify Engine Spark ArrestorSafeworkingcondition Read the Operatorsmanuals Safety SymbolsGuide SlopePage California Proposition Tire Pressure Meets ANSi Safety Standards PTO Blade Engage Lever Seat Adjustment LeverParking Brake Lever AUTO-DRIVE Pedal Deck Lift LeverAvoid Serious Injury or Death Safety Interlock SystemGAS and OIL FILL-UP Thegasolinetank is locatedunderthe hood.Do notoverfillEngaging the Parking Brake Starting the Engine Stopping the EngineAvoidsuddenstarts,excessivespeedand suddenstops Mulching Using the Deck Lift LeverMowing Engaging the BladesAir filter Maintenance ScheduleBeforeperforminganytypeof maintenance/service,disengageall Controlsandstoptheengine.WaituntilallmovingpartshavecometoChecking the Engine Oil Engine MaintenanceFuel Filter Air CleanerFront Axles LubricationMuffler Pivot Points & LinkageCleaning the Engine and Deck AdjustmentsLeveling the Deck Removethebelt C fromaroundthetractorsPTOpulley.See Fig Cutting Deck RemovalOthergas appliances.J Land heed ts warnngs TiresJump Starting ChargingSeeFig FuseCutting Blades Changing the Deck BeltBelt Guard Parking Brake AdjustmentChanging the Transmission Drive BeltReconnectthe fuel lineandrunthe engineuntil it startsto Ifusingafuel stabilizerPreparing the Engine Preparing the Lawn TractorNeed More HELP? DOT Craftsman Model Description Craftsman IViodel Craftsman IViodel 683-04155A-0637 Shaft,Lift 712-04065738-04237A 41\ Model 2S\ 726-0201 Craftsman IViodel 712-0271 Ref, I Description6428 17962 Ref, I Part NoCraftsman IViodel 983-04525 Craftsman Engine Model 331777-1372-G2For Model 200868 @ Engine Model331777=1372=G2 For Model 247.28919Craftsman Engine IViodel 331777-1372-G2For Model Craftsman Engine Model 331777=1372=G2 For Model 6o16o1T Craftsman Engine IViodel 331777-1372-G2 For IViodel 474iDescription Craftsman Engine Model 331777-1372=G2For Model544 Craftsman Engine Model 331777-1372-G2For Model Page Page GDOC-100182RevB ModerateSears Emission Control Defects Warranty Coverage Sears Emission Control Defects Warranty ProvisionsThispageapplicableinthe U.S.A.and Canadaonly Your Warranty Rights and Obligations Warranted Parts Page Atrasados IGUARIE Estasinstrucciones Funcionaiviiento GeneralFuncionamiento EN Pendientes Haga Io siguienteNo haga Io siguiente Manejo seguro de la gasolina ReiviolqueNo Modifique EL Motor Aviso Referido a EmisionesGuardachispas LEA EL Manuals DEL Operador Sivibolos DE SeguridadGUiA DE Pendiente Advertencia Conexion DE LOS Cables DE LA Bateria QUE UNE EL VolanteLabateria+conel pernoy tuercahexagonalVeaselafigura1 Presion DE LAS Llantas COLOCACI6N DE LA SedeDe Velocidad Palancadel frenode estacionamientoAceleradory palancadecontroldeChoke PortavasosLevante LA Palanca DE LA Cubi Ignition SwitchAcelerador Y Palanca DE Control DE ModuleLea el manual del o erador LA Palanca DECarga DE Aceite Y Gasolina AceiteReverse Mode Precaucion Sistenia DE Bloqueo DE SeguridadPara los modelos de California Arranque DEL Motor Ajuste DE LA Altura DE CorteParo DEL Motor LA Conduccion DEL TractorConduccicn EN LAS Laderas Involucrar a LOS BladesUSO DE LA Cubierta DE Levante LA Palanca DE Faros CortarPivotey ejes PlataforrnaEldepuradordelfiltrode aire Filtrode aireFiltrode aceite Mantenimiento DEL MotorFTira reactiva Drenajede aceite de rnangaLimpiador DE Aire Paradrenar el combustibleParacambiarel filtro de combustible Bateria Limpieza DEL MotorLubricacion Carburador de ajuste Elcarburadoren estemotorno esajustableAfioje,perono Ioquite,eltornillohexagonalde la izquierda Limpieza DE LAS Maquinas Y LA Cubi ErtaAjustes Delante a arrasBow-TieClip Plataforma DE Corte DE EliminacionNeumaticos EL ArranquePT0 Cable Carga FusibleCuchillas DE Corte Figura DE Caivibiar LA Correa DE CubiertaTibleen lineaquese encuentracercadel motor PREPARACI6N DEL MotorEL Drenaje DE LOS Combustibles PREPARACI6N DE LA Tractor DE CespedManage Home GDOC-100182Rev.A Esta p.ginase aplica s61oen EE.UU. y Canada SUS Derechos Y Obligaciones EN Cuanto a LA Garantja Piezas Garantizadas Servicio de instalaci6nde Sears Continuaci6nsedetallanlos puntosincluidosenel AcuerdoRiding Equipment questions or problems?