Troy-Bilt 634K Enginecleaning, Aircleanerservice, Forwardclutch Bail Adjustment, Model 634A only

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moving partsto come to a complete stop, disconnectspark plug wire and move wire awayfrom

,_ WARNING: Beforeinspecting, cleaning or servicing the machine,shut off engine, wait for all spark plug. Failureto follow these instructions can result in serious personal injury or property




If the Forward Clutch Baildoes not func- tion properly,first checkthat the forward drive belt is adjusted properly (see Check- ing and Adjusting Forward Drive Belt Ten- sion). If this fails to correct the problem,

contact Troy-Bilt LLC or your authorized dealerfor service advice.


(Model 634A only)

It is important to maintain correct tension on the reversedrive belt. A loose belt will causethe tines andwheelsto slow down - or stop completely - eventhough the en- gine is running at full speed.

Whenchecking belttension, also checkthe belt for cracks, cuts or frayed edgesand replace it as soon as possible.

Checkbelt tension after the first two hours of break-in operation andafter every 10 operating hours.

To CheckReverse BeltTension:

1.Stop engine,wait for all parts to stop moving and disconnect spark plug wire.

2.Removescrew in plastic belt cover and slide belt cover (which is attachedto for- ward clutch cable) out of the way.

3.Haveanassistant pull the Reverse Clutch Control knob all the way out and hold it inthat position. Measurethe length of the cable wire betweenthe end of the

threaded cableadjuster (A, Figure5-5) and

the end of the Z-fitting (B)to which the ca- ble wire is attached.

4. Thebelt tension is idealif the cablewire length measuresbetween1/8"to 1/4".If it is lessthan 1/8" (andif there is no reverseac- tion whenthe tiller is running), then make the following adjustments

NOTE:Ifthe lengthis morethan 1/4",noad- justment is needed--as long asthe reverse actionfunctions properly.

5. Releasethe ReverseClutch Control knob.andthen unthread the inner jam nut (C, Figure 5-6) oneto two turns. Pull the threaded cable adjuster (A, Figure 5-6) to

the left until the innerjam nut (C) touches the bracket.

6.Preventthe inner jam nut (C) from turn- ing and tighten the outer jam nut (D) againstthe bracket. Preventthe outer jam nut (D) from turning and tighten the inner jam nut (C) againstthe bracket.

7.Measurethe gap by repeating Step 3.

Readjust as neededby repeating Steps 5 and 6.

8. Reinstall the belt cover.

Figure5-5: Measure cable wire length to checkfor correct reversebelt tension.

Figure5-6: Movethreadedadjuster(,4)toleft toincreasebelt tension.

Replacement Belt Information

If the drive belt needsto be replaced,see your local authorizeddealeror refer to the Parts List for ordering information. Use only a factory-authorized belt as an "over- the-counter" belt may not perform satis- factorily. The procedure requires average mechanicalability andcommonly available tools.


Keepingthe engineclean will help to en- sure smooth operation and prevent dam- agefrom overheating. Referto the Engine Owner'sManualfor enginecleaning ser- vice intervals and instructions. Besure thatthe muffler is cool beforeservicing the engine.


The air cleaner filters dirt and dust out of the air before it enters the carburetor. Op- erating the enginewith a dirty, clogged air filter can causepoor performance and damageto the engine. Neveroperatethe enginewithout the air cleanerinstalled. In- spect and service the air cleaner more of- ten if operating in very dusty or dirty conditions. Referto the engine Owner's Manualfor air cleanerservice intervals and instructions.


Checkthe engine oil level before each use and after every five hours of continuous operation. Runningthe engine when it is low on oil will quickly ruin the engine.

It is recommendedthat you changethe motor oil after every 10hours of operation and even sooner when operating in ex- tremely dirty or dusty conditions. Referto the EngineOwner'sManual for detailed service instructions.

A. To Checkthe Engine Oil Level:

1.Parkthetiller ona levelareaandshut off the engine.

2.Levelthe engine (use the Depth Regula- tor Leverto adjust the engineangle).


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Contents 10/6/04 Troy-Bilt LLC, P.O. BOX361131CLEVELAND,OHIO44136-0019Formno -10594F Findingmodelnumber Safety SafetyAlert SymbolForwardClutchBailReverseClutchControl Models634ATiller, usingone handon the handle Avoidusing downwardpressureonPowerif thewheels are in the Freewheel TillerOperatingSymbols HotSurfacesWarningMayheusedontedllerandengine Bail Engaged DisengagedAssembly AssemblystepsInspectunit TOOLS/ MaterialsneededInstall Forward Clutch CableWhile preventingthe cable adjuster from turning AdjusterInstall Reverse Clutch Cable Model 634A only SpringandOIL Level Tires unitswithpneumatictiresEl-/ AUU IVlUI UH UIL Thetiller is shipped withoutoil in the en- gineFeaturesandcontrols Wheel Drive PinsIntroduction Engine ControlsHandlebar Height Adjustment ForwardclutchbailReverseclutchcontrol BailE. OnlyMode1634Ahavea ReverseStarting and Stopping OperationBREAK-INOPERATION Stoppingthe Tillerand Engine Operatingthe TillerDlebarssidewaysto turntiller Tilling Depths Let the Tiller Dothe Work AvoidMaking FootprintsCultivating AvoidTilling Soggy,Wet SoilPowerComposting WAHNIN3Clearingthe Tines Loading and Unloading TillerWashingdownhill. Italso providesa walkingpath betweenrows Vehicle. Twoor more peopleare neededto do this Maintenance Tiller LubricationTine Inspection BolotinesTo Drain theTransmissionGear Oil Checkingand Adjusting Forwarddrive Belt TensionSqueezetheForwardClutch Bailagainst Handlebarsee -4 and reEnginecleaning AircleanerserviceForwardclutch Bail Adjustment Engine OIL ServiceSparkplugservice ThrottleleveradjustmentStore unit in aclean, dry area OFF-SEASONSTORAGEProblem CorrectionPartno Description MODELS630C,634A & 634K PartslistDescription 1418 712-04063 Nut,FlangeLock,5/16-18B 726-0201 SpeedNutB Partno749-04193 Bumper B 710-0395 For Model Front TransmissionHousingAssembly GW-50032 Gasket,HousingCoverGW-9727 Plug,TransmissionOilFill OilSeal,WheelShaftWheelshaft Tine Shaft11A Description PartnoMODELS630C, 634A & 634K Description TROY-BILT Tiller Lifetime Limited Warranty TROY-BILTLLC, P.O. Box 361131, Cleveland, Ohio 44136-0019
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