d- Unit responds in an identical manner as the c command but does not clear the system memory
E or e- Unit responds with minimum and maximums along with date and time of occurrence. This uses the same buffer as the c and d command.
M- Unit responds with all term minimums and maximums with the date and time of their occurrence, then clears.
m- Unit responds in an identical manner as with the M command but does not clear the system memory.
Sample |
TA 10:33 | 038F | TA 09:32 | 056 F |
TI 04:15 | 075F | TI 15:03 | 080 F |
TO 10:33 | 038F | TO 16:10 | 056 F |
RH 15:44 | 033% | RH 01:40 | 060 % |
BP 16:11 29.57” | BP 10:20 | 30.15" | |
RD 04/29 00:00“ | RT | 01:00" | |
RM | 03.32“ | WS 00:00 000 MPH 048 |
The system has two completely separate memory buffers (C and M commands). C is cleared every midnight. M is only cleared by pressing the clear and min buttons on the display or sending an upper case M via a computer.
R- Unit responds with current conditions. The rainfall rate is present rather than the term rain. (Note: in 30.04R the “R” denotes rising pressure)
5:15 07/24/90 SSE 04MPH 052F 069F 078F 099% 30.04R 00.19"D 01.38"M 11.78"T
r- Unit responds with current conditions. The term rain is present rather than the rainfall rate. (Note: in 30.04F the “F” denotes falling pressure, a “S” character denotes steady pressure.)
5:15 07/24/90 SSE 04MPH 052F 069F 078F 099% 30.04F 00.19"D 01.38"M 00.72"R
K- Unit responds with current calculated values for dew point, Windchill and heat index.
Q- Unit response with hi resolution time, wind, temperature and pressure (in
96/01/15 09:21:44 SSE 004.3MPH 052.6F 069.2F 078.5F 069% 30.041F 002.19"
The following commands respond if the WRL has logged data in memory.
T- Data logger top, moves pointer to the top of the data records, then sends data N- Data logger next, moves pointer to the next data record, then sends data.
A- Data logger again, sends same data again.
P- Data logger previous, moves pointer to the previous data record, then sends data.
B- Data logger bottom, moves pointer to the bottom of the data records.
96/03/07 23:00 056.2F 053.2F 085.8F 070% 29.926I" 00.00"ID 007.5MPH 342D
Texas Weather Instruments, Inc. | 14 | WRL Instruction Manual |