Cleaning Chart
Exterlor surfaces
Surface burner grates
Chrome retleotor pans
Surface burners
holler dmwer, pan and gttd
Soft cloth and warm soapy water or baklng soda.
Nylon or plastic scrubbing pad for stubborn spots.
Automatic dishwasher or warm soapy water and plastic scrubbing pad.
Automatic dishwasher or warm soapy water and plastic scrubbing pad.
Warm soapy water, a plastic scrubbing pad, dlshwashing detergent or a solution of 1 quart of boiling hot water and 2 tablespoons of
Warm soapy water and plastic scrubbing pad.
l Wipe off regularly when cooktop and range are cool.
l Do not allow food oontalnlng acids (such as vinegar, tomato, lemon Juloe or milk) to remain on surface. Acids will remove the flnlsh.
l Do not use abmslve or harsh cleansers.
l Wash with other cooking utenslis. l Dry completely.
l Do not use abmslve or harsh cleansers.
l Wash with other cooking utensils. 0 Clean frequently.
l Do not use abmslve or harsh cleansers.
l Wipe off spills immediately after burner has cooled.
In case of stubborn stalns:
l Remove burner from manifold with Phillips screwdriver.
l Soak in warm soapy water and wipe with plastic scrubbing pad and dishwashing detergent.
If staln Is still there, soak 20 minutes In bolllng water and DIP IT” solutton. Be sure the soltion covers the whole burner.
l Rinse and dry well.
l If ports are clogged, clean wlth a straight pin. Do not enlarge or distort ports. Do not use a wood- en toothplck.
l Do not clean surface burner In dlshwasher.
l Clean after each use.
l Wash pan and grid wlth other utensils.
l After broiler Is cool, wipe interior with warm damp cloth. For stubborn spots, use a plastic