40 hours intervals (Do the following plus all items done at
Blade drive belt tension adjustment should be checked at forty (40) hour intervals except new belts should be checked at four to five (4-
5)hours and at eight to ten
AmsOil), or change every eight (8) hours if not synthetic oil*
Thoroughly clean complete mower Grease caster wheel bearings, (2) points Grease caster wheel pivots, (2) points Grease blade spindle bearings,
Lubricate foot platform Operator Presence Control pivots and control rod with water- proof grease, (3) points
Lubricate hand control lever pivot shafts with waterproof grease (4 places)
Lubricate throttle control cable with
Check hydraulic reservoir oil level; The level should be about
Inspect and replace worn tires
Adjust both parking brake shoes to firmly stop wheels
160 hour intervals or annually (Do the follow- ing plus all items done at
Clean or replace spark plugs (see engine manual)
Replace engine oil filter with oil change* Replace hydraulic oil filter with original Wright
25 micron filter at first 160 hour interval* (and annuallythereafter*)
Check hydraulic reservoir oil level*; The level should be about
Completely inspect for excessive wear in all parts of mower, including control system, replace worn parts
Check both set screws on each hydraulic pump pulley and engine pulley (for pump belt) for tightness, 2 each on pump pulleys, 1 on engine pulley, 5 total
Remove and clean battery box (if equipped) Completely inspect for cracks in frame, tractor
frame or other steel parts and have autho- rized dealer weld any found
Annually (Do the following plus all items done at
Replace hydraulic oil filter with original Wright 25 micron filter at 160 hour intervals and annually thereafter*
Check hydraulic reservoir oil level; The level should be about
Replace all excessively worn spindle bearings (after three years only)
Replace excessively worn main cutter deck idler pulleys
Replace excessively worn caster wheels and roller bearings
Replace excessively worn caster pivot bushings Remove cotter pins and check torque on both castle nuts on center of drive wheel hubs to at least 175
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