Wright Manufacturing, Inc. (hereinafter: WMI) warrants to the original owner that the new WMI mower accompanying this document will be free from manufacturing defectsinmaterialsorworkmanshipsubjecttothefollowinglimitationsandexclusions. Any part of the WMI commercial mower manufactured by WMI and found, in the reasonable judgment of WMI, to be defective in materials or workmanship, will be repaired or replaced by an Authorized WMI Service Dealer without charge for parts and (except as excluded below) labor. This Warranty is limited to the original Owner and the mower this document was provided with and is not transferable. Demo units with less than fifty hours when first retailed shall also be covered by this limited warranty. Proofs of Purchase, Authorized Dealer performed
Hydraulic pumps are covered by the pump manufacturer’s warranty for one (1) year and handled through WMI. Hydraulic pumps are covered by WMI for one (1) additionalyearandhandledthroughWMIforatotaloftwo(2)yearsforpartsand labor. Part must be returned for credit before warranty payment.
Hydraulic motors are covered by the motor manufacturer’s warranty for the part only and no labor. However, WMI enhances this warranty according to the following procedure: Hydraulic motor warranties will be handled through WMI for two
(2)yearsfromtheretailpurchasedateforpartsandlabor.Effectiveforretailsales after 3/1/02. Part must be returned for credit before warranty payment.
Engine is covered by the engine manufacturer’s warranty and handled through the respective Authorized Engine Dealers.
Electric clutch is covered by the clutch manufacturer’s warranty for one (1) year and handled through WMI for parts and labor. Electric clutch is covered by WMI for one additional year for parts only and handled through WMI for a total of two
(2) years. Part must be returned for credit before warranty payment.
See the respective manufacturers’ warranties for the engine and hydraulic compo- nents included with the mower.
Ninety Day Items
Batteries are warranted for ninety (90) days.
Two and Three Year Items
Cutterdeck, enginedeck,uprightinstrumentsupport,SentarcockpitandSentarcarrier frame weldments are warranted for two (2) years against cracks and broken welds.To make a valid claim, cracks and broken welds must be brought to the attentionofanAuthorizedWMIServiceDealerbeforeanyaccumulationofcracks is greater than 5 inches. WMI must be called on the phone by Distributor for approval prior to repair or replacement. Dealer repair is encouraged and the replacement option shall be at WMI's sole discretion.
CutterDeckSpindleAssemblies(housing,shaft,bearings)arewarrantedforone(1) year for parts and labor and one (1) additional year for parts only for a total of two
(2)years. Cutter Deck Spindle Assemblies are warranted for one (1) year for parts and labor and two (2) additional years for parts only for a total of three (3) years on Standers with no grease fitting housing (high precision ball bearings) and Sentars only.
All other parts of the original mower are warranted for two (2) years.
Lifetime Weldments
After the first two (2) years the cutter deck, engine deck, upright instrument support, SentarcockpitandSentarcarrierframeweldmentsare warrantedforthelifetime of the original retail purchasing entity against cracks and broken welds for the part only, no labor or freight.
Tomakeavalidclaimunderthelifetimemajorweldmentwarranty,cracksandbroken welds must be brought to the attention of an Authorized WMI Service Dealer before any accumulation of cracks is greater than 5 inches. WMI must be called on the phone for approval prior to repair or replacement.
At the option of WMI the weldment should be shipped to WMI, freight prepaid by Owner, for factory reconditioning or replacement to be shipped back to Owner, freight collect, within two weeks of receipt by WMI.
Repair Parts Replaced During Original Warranty
All repair parts (excluding wear items) installed during the warranty period are warranteduntiltheendoftherespectiveoriginalperiodaccordingtothecategories above except in the case that the respective original warranty period expires in less than ninety (90) days after the installation of the part(s). If this happens then the parts are warranted for a total of ninety (90) days from the time of their installation.
Rental Use
The above warranty periods are limited to maximum of ninety (90) days for mowers that are used for rental purposes.
Air, engine oil and hydraulic oil filters, tires, tubes Bent parts occurring through impact or hard use Worn bearings (other than spindle bearings; see above) Worn bushings, cotters, clips, pins and retainers Grease fittings / zerks
Paint and cosmetic imperfections, steel surface imperfections Fabric, cushion and rubber grip wear or damage
Drive belts, cutter blades, hoses, light bulbs, fuses Damage due to loose pulleys on shafts
Damage due to loose wheel hubs on tapered Hydraulic motor shafts Firedamage
Abrasion or corrosion wear or damage
TheWMImower,includinganydefectivepart,mustbereturnedtoanAuthorizedWMI Service Dealer within the warranty period. The expense of lost production time and delivering the mower to the Authorized WMI Service Dealer for warranty work and the expense of returning it to the Owner after repair will be paid for by the Owner. WMI’s responsibility is limited to making the required repairs and no claim of breach of warranty shall be cause for cancellation or rescission of the contract of sale of any WMI mower. This Warranty does not apply to any mower that was delivered to an Owner prior to the
WMI reserves the right to change or improve the design of any mower without assuming any obligation to modify any mower previously manufactured.
All other implied warranties are limited in duration to the two (2) year warranty period or ninety (90) days for mowers used for rental purposes. Accordingly, any such implied warranties including merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or otherwise, are disclaimed in their entirety after the expiration of the appropriate two
(2)year or ninety (90) day warranty period. WMI’s obligation under this Warranty is strictly limited to the repair or replacement of defective parts and WMI does not assume, or authorize anyone to assume for them, any other obligation. Some states do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts, so the above limitation may not apply.
WMI assumes no responsibility for incidental, consequential or other damages including, but not limited to, expense for gasoline, expense of delivering the mower to an Authorized WMI Service Dealer and expense of returning it to the Owner, damage by fire, mechanic’s travel time, telephone charges, rental of a like product during the time warranty repairs are being performed, travel, loss or damage to personal property, loss of revenue, loss of use of the power equipment, loss of time or inconvenience. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply.
This Warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state.
This Warranty applies to all WMI mowers sold in the United States of America and Canada.
For the location of the Authorized WMI Service Dealer nearest you, write to: Wright Manufacturing, Inc.; 4600X Wedgewood Blvd.; Frederick, MD 21703
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