Monarch 9800 manual I n g t h e C o n t r o l P a n e l, I n t e r S t a t u s L i g h t s

Page 12

U s i n g t h e C o n t r o l P a n e l

The control panel helps you check printer status, displays error

codes, and allows you to perform some


basic printer functions.







P r i n t e r S t a t u s L i g h t s



The printer shows



a steady green



light when it is on.

Status Code


PausedSupplies 1 2 3


The printer shows

Feed Pause Clear


a blinking amber



light when it is out



of labels or ribbon,



or when you have a



supply jam.



The printer shows a steady amber light when




The printer shows a blinking amber light when there is a data, communication, or data formatting error. See the status code box for the error code.

The printer also shows a blinking amber light when it’s ready to print a label in the on-demand mode. See Chapter 4, "Printing," for more information.

1-6Getting Started

Image 12
Contents Monarch Series Printers Canadian D.O.C. Warning Page Page TA B L E O F C O N T E N T S Adjusting Print Positions -3 Printing the Euro-Dollar Symbol T T I N G S TA R T E D D i e n c eP a c k i n g t h e P r i n t e r 4 5 P r i n t e r O n l i n e E m u l a t i o n D e r i n g P r o g r a m m e r ’ s M a n u a l sN n e c t i n g t h e P o w e r C a b l e T a b l i s h i n g C o m m u n i c a t i o n sN n e c t i n g t h e C o m m u n i c a t i o n C a b l e T t i n g D I P S w i t c h e s Parallel PortLower DIP Switches Flow Control I n g t h e C o n t r o l P a n e l I n t e r S t a t u s L i g h t sT t o n F u n c t i o n s A t u s code B o8Getting Started A D I N G S U P P L I E S High EnergyA d i n g L a b e l s o r Ta g s Supply Holder Guides 4Loading Supplies Thumb Well R P e e l M o d e Feed the backing paper over the peel bar I n g t h e O p t i o n a l Te a r B a r A D I N G R I B B O N A d i n g R i b b o n Rev. a 10/98 Loading Ribbon I n g a H i g h E n e r g y R i b b o n G h E n e r g y R i b b o n L i m i t a t i o n s 6Loading Ribbon I N T I N G I n t i n gD e m a n d M o d e P r i n t i n g I n t i n g a n Error L a b e l E a r i n g B a t c h e sI n g B a t c h S e p a r a t o r s J u s t i n g P r i n t P o s i t i o n s I n t i n g t h e E u r o D o l l a r S y m b o l Print PositionPrinting R E a N D M a I N T E N a N C E E a r i n g L a b e l J a m sE a n i n g Printhead P l a c i n g t h e P r i n t h e a d Rev. a 10/98 J u s t i n g t h e W i d e / N a r r o w K n o b s J u s t i n g t h e P r i n t C o n t r a s t P l a c i n g t h e F u s e Troubleshooting I n t i n g a Te s t L a b e lThis section helps you correct some problems that may occur Tr o u b l e s h o o t i n gError M e s s a g e s T a Error sPage Page Page Page Page M m u n i c a t i o n F a i l u r e s T a F o r m a t t i n g Error s C h i n e Fault s Page Page 14Troubleshooting Specification S I n t e rP p l i e s B b o n Specification C e s s o r i e sSpecifications A-3 T T I N G D I P S W I T C H E S 2Setting Dip Switches P S w i t c h e sSetting Dip Switches B-3 4Setting Dip Switches

9800 specifications

The Monarch 9800 is a cutting-edge device designed to redefine performance in the realm of commercial and industrial applications. Boasting a sleek design coupled with robust features, this model has garnered attention for its versatility and efficiency.

One of the standout features of the Monarch 9800 is its powerful processing capability. Equipped with a state-of-the-art multi-core processor, this device ensures high-speed data processing, which is crucial for tasks that require real-time analytics and decision-making. The processor is complemented by substantial RAM, enabling seamless multitasking and handling of large datasets without performance degradation.

In terms of connectivity, the Monarch 9800 supports a wide array of options. It includes advanced wireless technologies such as Wi-Fi 6 and Bluetooth 5.0, which enhance its connectivity range and speed. Furthermore, it supports Ethernet and various other wired connections, ensuring that it can integrate effortlessly into existing network infrastructures.

The device’s display is another noteworthy feature. The Monarch 9800 is equipped with a high-resolution screen that provides crisp visuals and enhances user interaction. Whether for presentations or detailed data analysis, the display ensures that content is presented clearly and effectively.

Moreover, the Monarch 9800 utilizes advanced security technologies to protect sensitive information. Features such as biometric authentication, encryption, and secure boot processes protect against unauthorized access, making it well-suited for environments where data security is paramount.

Battery life is also a key characteristic of the Monarch 9800. Designed for prolonged use, it incorporates energy-efficient technologies and a high-capacity battery that allows users to operate the device for extended periods without the need for constant recharging. This feature is particularly beneficial for mobile professionals who rely on the device for daily tasks.

Additionally, the Monarch 9800 supports various software and operating systems, making it adaptable to different business environments and user preferences. Its compatibility allows for easy integration with existing systems, minimizing disruptions during the transition to the new device.

In conclusion, the Monarch 9800 stands out as a premium choice for professionals seeking a reliable and efficient tool for their operations. With its powerful performance, versatile connectivity, high-quality display, robust security features, and impressive battery life, it is well-equipped to meet the demands of today's fast-paced and technology-driven workplaces.