Moving and Lifting the Monitor | y yWhen holding the monitor, the screen should | |
| ||
When moving or lifting the monitor, follow these | face away from you to prevent it being | |
instructions to prevent the monitor from being | scratched. | |
scratched or damaged and to ensure safe trans- |
portation regardless of its shape or size. |
y yIt is advisable to place the monitor in the |
original box or packing material before at- |
tempting to move it. |
y yBefore moving or lifting the monitor, discon- |
nect the power cord and all cables. |
y yHold the top and bottom of the monitor frame | y yWhen moving the monitor, avoid any strong | |
firmly. Do not hold the panel itself. | shock or vibrations to the product. | |
| y yWhen moving the monitor, keep it upright, | |
| never turn the monitor on its side or tilt it | |
| sideways. |
y yAs far as possible, avoid touching the moni- tor screen. This may result in damage to the screen or some of the pixels used to create images.