•Recommendation: Place plastic waste bag (Fellowes part number 36052) into basket to collect confetti particles.
•For safety reasons, this model will operate only if the shredder head is in the correct position on the basket. Align slot at the back of the shredder head (A) with tab on the back of the basket (B) and place it onto the basket in this position.
For convenience, your shredder is equipped with an
To shred:
•Plug in shredder with control switch (D) in off (O) position
•Slide control switch to automatic (I) position to signal readiness
•Feed paper straight into entry (E), until the shredder automatically begins shredding; see Product Profile for limits on paper width, shreddable items, sheet capacity, etc.
•Shred for no more than
•Slide control switch to off (O) position after cutting has stopped; cutting continues for 1 or 2 seconds after paper has gone through in order to clear shredded paper from cutting cylinders.
In case of a paper jam, which may occur if the shredder is pushed beyond its specified capabilities, press the control switch to the off (0) position and empty the basket if full. Then:
1)Slide control switch in reverse (R) position and attempt to back paper out of shredder.
2)If shredder jams in reverse mode, slide control switch to automatic (I) position and attempt to continue shredding operation.
3)If shredder jams again, alternate control switch slowly between reverse (R) and automatic (I) positions to attempt to move jammed paper completely through shredder.
If you are unable to clear the jam using this method, turn off and unplug the shredder; remove shredder head from the wastebasket and carefully remove any paper extending below the cutting cylinders; empty the wastebasket; reassemble the shredder and repeat jam clearing procedure.