•Pick the most level possible route when transporting across fields. Avoid edges of ditches, gullies, and steep hillsides.
•Be extra careful when working on inclines.
•Periodically clear equipment of brush, twigs, or other materials to prevent buildup of dry combustible materials.
•Maneuver tractor or towing unit at safe speeds.
•Avoid overhead wires or other obstacles. Contact with overhead lines could cause serious injury or death.
•Avoid loose gravel, rocks, and holes; they can be dangerous for equipment operation or movement.
•Allow for sprayer length when making turns.
•Do not walk or work under raised components or attachments unless securely positioned and blocked.
•Keep all bystanders, pets, and livestock clear of work area.
•Operate towing unit from operators seat only.
•Never stand alongside of unit with engine running or attempt to start engine and/or operate machine while standing alongside of unit.
•Never leave running equipment attachments unattended.
•As a precaution, always recheck hardware on equipment following every 100 hours of operation. Correct all problems. Follow maintenance safety procedures.
•Following operation, or when unhitching, stop tractor or towing unit, set brakes, disengage PTO and all power drives, shut off engine and remove ignition key.
•Store sprayer in an area away from human activity.
•Do not park sprayer where it will be exposed to livestock for long periods of time. Damage and livestock injury could result.
•Do not permit children to play on or around the stored sprayer.
•Make sure all parked machines are on a hard, level surface and engage all safety devices.
•Wheel chocks may be needed to prevent unit from rolling.
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