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Canon 100 - page 161

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Download on canonical page 268 pages, 3.3 Mb
Each image is cropped (scan area is specified) automatically according to the document size.
If you do not want to scan one, select the image and press the Delete key. Alternatively, select the
image and click (Remove Cropping Frame) on the Toolbar.
When you click Multi-Crop, Multi-Crop changes to Reset.
Click Reset to cancel Multi Crop.
Cancel Multi Crop to create custom cropping frames.
djusting Cropping Frames
5. Set Color Mode, Output Resolution, etc. as required.
See "Input Settings" for details on the Color Mode.
See "Output Settings" for details on the Output Resolution.
The settings are applied to all cropping frames.
6. Make image corrections as required.
Sayfa 161 / 268 sayfaScanning Multiple Documents at One Time in Advanced Mode

