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Canon 107 Creating Folders by Shooting Date, Changing the Lens Retract Time

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Changing Camera Settings
Creating Folders by Shooting Date
Images are saved into folders created each month, however, you can also
create folders by shooting date.
Choose [Create Folder] and press the qr
buttons to choose [Daily].
Images will be saved into folders created
on each shooting date.
Changing the Lens Retract Time
For safety reasons, the lens retracts about 1 minute after pressing the 1
button when in a Shooting mode (p.28). If you want the lens to retract
immediately when you press the 1 button, set the retract time to [0 sec.].
Choose [Lens Retract], then press the qr
buttons to choose [0 sec.].
If you use a memory card already containing images, the newly
assigned file numbers may continue the existing numbering for both the
[Continuous] and [Auto Reset] settings. If you want to start over with file
number 0001, format the memory card before use (p.51).
Refer to the Software Guide for information regarding folder structure or
image types.

