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Samsung GT-P6201 GT-P6201MAADBT, GT-P6201UWADBT manual 41

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Download on canonical page 147 pages, 9.59 Mb

5 Repeat steps 1-4 to complete your text.

You can also tap the keys to enter text.

You can tap and hold a key to enter characters that appear above the key. When you tap and hold a key until the character list appears, you can enter special characters, symbols, and numbers.

You can also use the following keys:

Number Function

1Change the input language.

2Move the cursor to the next text field.

3Change the case.

Enter the recommended word or add a new

4word to the dictionary; Open the Swype settings (tap and hold).

5Switch text input modes.

6Clear your input.

7Start a new line.

Getting started



