Register Your Product
Warranty and other service benefits start from the
date of purchase, so it is important to register your
product quickly to ensure you get full use of the war-
ranty and other service benefits available to you.
Warranty and other service benefits are enabled
through product registration. Register your product at
http://eSupport.3com.com/. 3Com eSupport
services are based on accounts that you create or
have authorization to access. First time users must
apply for a user name and password that provides
access to a number of eSupport features including
Product Registration, Repair Services, and Service
Request. If you have trouble registering your product,
please contact 3Com Global Services for assistance.
Purchase Value-Added Services
To enhance response times or extend warranty bene-
fits, contact 3Com or your authorized 3Com reseller.
Value-added services like 3Com ExpressSM and Guard-
ianSM can include 24x7 telephone technical support,
software upgrades, onsite assistance or advance
hardware replacement. Experienced engineers are
available to manage your installation with minimal
disruption to your network. Expert assessment and
implementation services are offered to fill resource
gaps and ensure the success of your networking
projects. More information on 3Com maintenance
and Professional Services is available at
Contact your authorized 3Com reseller or 3Com for a
complete list of the value-added services available in
your area.
Troubleshoot Online
You will find support tools posted on the 3Com web
site at http://www.3com.com/
3Com Knowledgebase helps you troubleshoot
3Com products. This query-based interactive tool is
located at http://knowledgebase.3com.com and
contains thousands of technical solutions written by
3Com support engineers.
Access Software Downloads
Software Updates are the bug fix / maintenance
releases for the version of software initially purchased
with the product. In order to access these Software
Updates you must first register your product on the
3Com web site at http://eSupport.3com.com/.
First time users will need to apply for a user name and
password. A link to software downloads can be