E3 Port Cabling Options
Cascading Multiple NIC’s in a Different Chassis
Callout Description
1ATM switch
2Chassis 1
3Chassis 1’s ATM NIC 1
4Chassis 1’s ATM NIC 2
5Connection from switch’s TX to Span A’s RX of Chassis 1’s NIC 1
6Connection from switch’s RX to Span A’s TX of Chassis 1’s NIC 1
7Connection from Span B’s TX of Chassis 1’s NIC 1 to SPAN A’s RX of Chassis 1’s NIC 2
8Connection from Span B’s RX of Chassis 1’s NIC 1 to SPAN A’s TX of Chassis 1’s NIC 2
9Connection from Span B’s TX of Chassis 1’s NIC 2 to SPAN A’s RX of Chassis 2’s NIC 1
10Connection from Span B’s RX of Chassis 1’s NIC 2 to SPAN A’s TX Chassis 2’s NIC 1