AB Soft 101 manual The Main Application, The SpreadSheet, The Geometry

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The Main

ƒSystem Menu Button (The SpreadSheet) Opens a menu that looks similar in all ClassPad applications. The System menu provides you with many dialogs to set ClassPad modes and other window options.

ƒMenu Bar Provides a row of menus that you can open and select commands from. The ClassPad’s “Menu bar” will change for each different application. For example, notice the different menu bars and toolbars:

The Main


The SpreadSheet


The Geometry


ƒToolbar Provides a row of buttons that you can click to get a command or change modes. Some ClassPad toolbar buttons are in dropdown button palettes.

The Application button on Main’s toolbar toggles a result between fraction and decimal quickly.

This dropdown button palette provides a way to insert other applications into Main.

ClassPad 101 Lesson 2 CASIO COPYRIGHT 2007 Author: Diane Whitfield


CASIO MRD Center, Portland, Oregon, USA


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AB Soft 101 manual The Main Application, The SpreadSheet, The Geometry