802.11g Wireless Router
Quick Installation Guide2
Start your WEB browser.
In the Address box, enter
the following:
The following screen will
come up. The default user
name is "admin" and the
default pa ssword is left
Press the Setup
Wizard to
configure the router.
Click Next to let the
Wizard configure your
wireless router for Internet
Refer to the data from
your ISP and t he table
below to select the type of
Internet Access you have.
Click Next to continue
and follow the on-
Type of Internet Access Connection Type Data Required
Usually, none.
But some ISP may require a particular Hostname
Domain name, or MAC (physical) address.
PPPoE Login name and password.
Cable modem
(TV-style cable)
L2TP Login name and password, Server IP Address.
DSL/ADSL modem
(phone-type cable) PPPoE Login name and password.
PPTP Login name and password, Server IP Address.
L2TP Login name and password, Server IP Address.
Usually, none.
But some ISP may require a particular Hostname,
Domain name, or MAC (physical) address.
Telstra Bigpond Cable
Please enter the Server IP Address, Login User Name and Login Password.
SingTel RAS Please enter the Login User Name, Login Password and RAS Plan (512K or
Other (e.g. Fixed Wireless) Please choose one of the two ways for your Internet Connection: Dynamic
IP Address assignment or Static IP Address assignment.
On the final screen of the
Setup Wizard, click Finish
to complete the
configuration. Wait for a
while and the system will
run a test of your Internet
Once the process is
finished, the message will
appear to ask you to press
OK. Then click Close
when you wish to exit the
Start your Web Browser o
n the PC again and try
to connect to a well-
known site (i.e.,
www.google.com.tw) to check that an Internet
connection can be established.