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1 ￿￿

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6 ￿￿￿5 ￿￿￿ ￿￿ ￿86 ￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿ ￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿ ￿

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C 2


F ￿￿ = ￿/ / ￿86 ￿￿￿￿￿￿￿




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2 ￿￿

F ￿￿ =

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+ ￿ ￿


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Absocold Corp ARD204, ARD104 manual = , & 3 2 2 , = - F, + 2 & J

ARD104, ARD204 specifications

Absocold Corp has established itself as a leader in the compact refrigeration market with its innovative ARD204 and ARD104 models. These refrigerators are designed to cater to various needs, offering superior cooling performance in a space-efficient package. They are ideal for use in dorm rooms, offices, and small apartments, providing convenience without sacrificing essential features.

The Absocold ARD204 and ARD104 models boast a sleek and modern aesthetic, making them attractive additions to any space. With their compact size, they easily fit under countertops or in tight areas, accommodating the needs of users with limited space. Despite their small footprint, these refrigerators provide ample storage options, featuring adjustable shelves that can be tailored to fit different items, from beverages to groceries.

One standout feature of these models is their energy efficiency. Both the ARD204 and ARD104 utilize advanced cooling technologies that minimize energy consumption while maximizing performance. This not only helps in reducing electricity bills but also makes them environmentally friendly choices for consumers conscious of their carbon footprint. The efficient design ensures that users can rely on consistent and effective cooling without excessive energy usage.

The Absocold ARD204 model, in particular, offers an impressive 2.4 cubic feet of interior space, while the ARD104 provides a slightly smaller but equally functional 1.7 cubic feet. Each model includes a reliable thermostat that maintains optimal temperatures for food preservation. The cooling system operates quietly, allowing for its placement in sensitive areas without disturbing the environment.

Both models are equipped with additional features such as door storage, allowing for easy access to condiments and drinks. The interior lighting enhances visibility, making it simple to locate items quickly. The refrigerator doors are designed to be reversible, providing flexibility for installation in various spaces.

In summary, the Absocold ARD204 and ARD104 refrigerators are exceptional choices for those seeking compact, energy-efficient, and stylish cooling solutions. With their robust features, innovative technologies, and user-friendly design, these models continue to meet the demands of modern living while delivering reliable refrigeration in an appealing package. Whether for a student, a busy professional, or anyone in between, Absocold has ensured that their products cater to diverse lifestyles and preferences, all while maintaining high-quality standards.