Maximum resolution (LCD) 1024 x768 (32bit colors
Maximum resolution (CRT 1024x768 (32 bit colors
1280x1024 (32 bit colors
1600x1200 (32 bit colors
Video MemoryItem Specification
Fixed or upgradeable Fixed, share the system memory
Video memory size 8MB
Video Resolutions ModeResolution Refresh Rate
CRT Only LCD/CRT Simultaneous
640x480x256 90 60
640x480x64K 90 60
640x480x16M 90 60
800x600x256 90 60
800x600x64K 90 60
1024x768x256 90 60
Parallel PortItem Specification
Parallel port controller LPC47N227
Number of parallel port 1
Location Rear side
Connector type 25-pin D-type
Parallel port function control Enable/Disable by BIOS Setup
Supports ECP/EPP Yes (set by BIOS setup)
Optional ECP DMA channel
(in BIOS Setup) DMA channel 1 and 3
Optional parallel port I/O address
(in BIOS Setup) 378h, 278h, 3BCh
Optional parallel port IRQ
(in BIOS Setup) IRQ7, IRQ5
Serial PortItem Specification
Serial port controller LPC47N227
Number of serial port 1
Supports 16550 UART Yes
Connector type 9--pin D-type
Location Rear side
Serial port function control Enable/Disable by BIOS Setup
Optional serial port (in BIOS Setup) 3F8h, 2F8h, 3E8h, 2E8h
Video Interfa ceItem Specification
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