Chapter 2 49
Onboard Devices ConfigurationThe parameters in this screen are for advanced users only. You do not need
to change the values in this screen because these values are already
The Onboard Devices Configuration sub-menu assigns resources to basic
computer communication hardware.
The following table describes the parameters in this sub-menu. Settings i n
boldface are the default and suggested parameter settings.
Parameter Description Options
Serial Port Enables or disables the serial port.
When enabled, you can set the base I/O
address and interrupt re qu est (IRQ ) of the
serial port.
Enabled or
3F8h, 3E8h, 2F8h
or 2E8h
4 or 11
IrDA Port Enables or disables the i nfrared port.
When enabled, you can set the base I/O
address, interrupt request (IRQ) and
direct memory access ( DMA) channel of
the infrared port.
Enabled or
2F8h, 3E8h, 3F8h,
or 2E8h
3 or 10