No beep, power-on
indicator turns on and LC D
is blank. But you can se e
POST on an external CRT.
Reconnect the LCD connecto rs.
LCD inverter ID
LCD cable
LCD inverter
System board
No beep, power-on
indicator turns on and a
blinking cursor shown o n
LCD during POST.
Ensure every connecto r is connected tightly an d
System board
No beep during POST but
system runs correctly. Speaker
System board
LCD-Related SymptomsSymptom / Error Action in Sequence
LCD backlight doesn't wo rk
LCD is too dark
LCD brightness cannot be
LCD contrast cannot be
Enter BIOS Utility to execute “Load Setup Defa ult
Settings”, then reboot sy stem.
Reconnect the LCD connecto rs.
Keyboard (if contrast and brightness funct ion key
doesn't work).
LCD inverter ID
LCD cable
LCD inverter
System board
Unreadable LCD screen
Missing pels in characters
Abnormal screen
Wrong color displayed
Reconnect the LCD connecto r
LCD inverter ID
LCD cable
LCD inverter
System board
LCD has extra horizontal or
vertical lines displayed. LCD inverter ID
LCD inverter
LCD cable
System board
No-Beep SymptomsSymptom / Error Action in Sequence