46 Chapter 2
System Utility DisketteThis utility diskette is for the notebook machine. It provides the following functions:
1. Read Panel ID Setting
2. Write Panel ID Uti lity
3. Thermal and Fan Utility
4. Main Board Data Ut ility
To use this diskette, first boot from this diskette, then a “Microsoft Windows 98 Startup Menu” prompt you to
choose the testing item. Follow the instructions on screen to proceed.
NOTE: This program contains a readme.txt file. This readme.txt file will introduce each test utility and its
IMPORTANT:If this diskette is not bootable, do the following actions before you use it:
1. Do system transfers.
2. Copy the following files to A:\.
Read Panel ID Setting
This function will display registered information on the panel ID of Acer TravelMate 630 series. Then, Panel ID
is set to EEPROM.
Write Panel ID Setting
This function will write a defau lt LCD panel ID into EEPROM.
Thermal and Fan Utility
1. Set Thermal Setting
This function will write the def ault value into EEPROM.
2. Read Thermal
This function will display cur rent system temperature and CPU temperature.
First, the default of thermal range is displayed. For the system temperature, it ranges from 35 to 87 and for the
CPU temperature, it is limited to 110. A CPU temperature below 110 is considered as normal temperature.
3. Tes t F an
The test item includes fan off test then it will proceed testing the fan for three different ranges of rpm. That is,
over 4000 rpm, below 6000 rpm and finally, over 6000 rpm. If these tests succeed, the "PASS" message
appears on the screen.Otherwise, an error message is displayed.
Main Board Data Utility
1. Default Setting
The utility provides a strong function which can set all default settings to our EEPROM; such as Panel ID,
Thermal Setting, Product Name and Product Manufacture.
NOTE: Product Name should be written as default "TravelMate 630" because remote control of scrollbar
(option item) will only identify the Product Name as TravelMate 630.
2. Read Mother board Data
This provides the detailed information of mother board data. That includes Product Name, Manufacture Name,
UUID, and serial number.
3. Write Manufacture name